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What Game Should I Review Next?


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So, as many of you know, I write video game reviews on my blog. I review the games that I have a Ps3 platinum trophy in, because that means I've spent enough time with the game to give an educated opinion. I can't figure out what to review next. Any help?Smackdown vs Raw 2010Fist of the North Star: Ken's RageinFamous 2Uncharted: Drake's FortuneUncharted 2: Among ThievesCall of Duty: Black OpsSly Cooper and the Thievius RaccoonusSly 2: Band of ThievesSly 3: Honor Among ThievesDragon Age 2Portal 2Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in TimeElder Scrolls V: SkyrimLittlebigplanet

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SkyrimBlack OpsDragon Age 2Uncharted -> Uncharted 2Infamous 2

Skyrim-I liked the game, but 99% of people on this site have played it to death, and know what the game is like. I'll consider it, though.Dragon Age 2-With my recent Origins review, this would be a logical choice. I'm worried about your reaction when it gets a moderately positive review, though.Black Ops-I didn't really dig into the multiplayer that much, and I'm not a fan of shooters, but I'll consider reviewing the single player portion. It might be a good experience to leave my comfort zone for a bit.Uncharted series-Good choice. I enjoyed this series a lot, which suprised me a bit, considering my tastes in games. I'll definitely review these in the future.Infamous 2-I am a bit confused at myself why I haven't reviewed this already, with my Infamous review being posted ages ago. Expect to see this review soon.
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Big fan of Sly Cooper 3 and Portal 2, so I'd like to hear you say how much you love them.Wait. You added Little Big Planet. I think you know what you have to do.

Sly 3: Sure, when I write the review for the previous 2 games. I plan to post a Thievius Racoonus review in the near future.Portal 2: I haven't played this in some time, but it was a thrilling ride. I'll have to play it again to refresh my memory.Littlebigplanet: Hmm...an interesting suggestion. That will be tricky to review, because its strength is in its user generated content. I'll think about it.
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Here was my thinking. Just my thoughts, and its completely your choice:

    [*]Skyrim because it's at its peak right now, so I figured it would be the best time to review it.

    [*]Black Ops because v2 is coming out soon, so now would be a good time to review and bring up flaws that they can focus on for BO2.

    [*]DA2 for the reason you stated.

    [*]Uncharted 1 + 2 in succession because its the logical order. The series because I loved it, though its gone out of my mind since its been awhile... It would be a good refresher and I'm looking to buy 3 at the moment.

    [*]Infamous 2 for reason you said.

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  • 2 weeks later...

im thinkin you should reveiw inFamous 2 and Dragon Age 2....... by the way has anyone heard anything about the South Park game that is supposed to be comin out? i heard its been put off till 2013

Yeah, I've heard of the game. I don't watch South Park, though. My parents hate that show.
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