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Paralyze Enchantment

Guest constii


Guest constii

Hey guys,I'd like to hear about your experiences with the paralyze enchantment. Is there a level cap? So that you have to be level xx to find one? I've been searching the merchants for ages now and i really need one for my bow :/ I'm level 38 btwSo please tell me: do you own a paralyze enchantment? Where did you get it and what's your level?I hope you'll be able to help me ;)

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There won't be a level cap on something like that. I don't believe I personally own one, but I've never looked for it either. Just stick with it and you'll run into one, probably when you're not even looking for it knowing how things work out.When I look for enchantments, I just camp out at one store that has the most of whatever item carries the enchantment. From that point I just check, wait 48 hours, check the store again, etc. until I find it. Good time to multi-task and have something else to grab your attention in the meantime,

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I've only ran into one out of all the times I've played. I was something like level 43. I disenchanted it, but I never bothered to enchant it to a weapon. It is just one of those enchantments that is really hard to find. All I can suggest is keep playing.If somebody played on the PC, they could always spawn one and test it out. I'm pretty sure you don't or you would have already, but if somebody on here has.

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Not to sound like a broken record and repeat what has already been said but I fairly certain that there is no level "requirement" for paralyze, however i am unaware and uncertain if there is a specific scripted event/weapom that gifts paralyze. However, on one of my characters i did get insanely lucky once and my axe of whiterun had a paralyze enchant on it. like David said, your overall best bet is to simply just go to a vendor with enchanted weapons and wait (I recommend War maidens as it's the easiest and closest to the start.)If you want something specific, I would recommend scouring the skyrim wiki for it.

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