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Build Criticisms/Suggestions



Just wondering what any experienced player thinks of this build: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121000

I'm mostly wondering if I'm spreading the character too thin focusing on 6 skills (technically 7, though the last is only 2 perks in 1H), albeit I was able to build it exactly to the 50 levels required. And he's going to be your basic battlemage of sorts, using bound weapons and summons to fight (with shields in certain fights).

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Doesn't look too bad, though I'll jot down what I noticed.

    [*]You have an awful lot of perks in block, which would make me believe you intend to primarily use one-handed weapons. However, you only invested 2 perks in One-Handed. I would recommend taking some out of Block, Restoration, or Conjuration (will get to this in a minute) and put some more in one-handed (if that's going to be your main method of combat).

    [*]For conjuration and restoration, I noticed you put a lot of perks into the Apprentice->Adept->etc trees. I'm not a huge fan of this since you can enchant your armor to get 100% spell cost reduction on two schools of magic, which is how many you invested in. You're going to have to do this with Conjuration regardless if you want to use high-cost spells like Dead Thrall anyway. That will free up four perks right there.

    [*]Conjuration: Not a huge fan of the bound perks, but that's a personal preference since they're generally not as necessary at high levels (or with high smithing).

    [*]Restoration: Noticed you invested in respite, which is a good move. Alternatively if you wanted to shy away from block, you could use a healing spell in one hand and one-handed weapon in the other, which would restore stamina + health while you are attacking, which makes you pretty unkillable.

I'd be able to be more specific if you included details on what your intended method of combat/support/etc was. :)

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I agree with what Traaginen has said, and If you want "authenticity" then I would say keep the perks on the bound weapons, otherwise, since you have the Daedric armor perk, you could smith out Daedric weapons.However, I'm now confused about your investment into Light Armor, do you plan to just buy/find it? or use whatever you find through dungeon diving. I ask because you went the Heavy Armor side on Smithing, yet stopped before Dragon, which then you could have gone with Dragonscale. The build is alright, just you, like Traaginen said, used a little too much into your magic perks. A couple perks that you probably don't need would be Avoid death (put that into Recovery perhaps, or just move it somewhere else)I'll reply a link with the perk adjustments and tell me if you like it or not, i'll do my best to not really take the feel away from it. :D

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Adjustments made:


[th]Skill[/th] [th]Removed or Added[/th] [th]Perks Added or Removed[/th]

[td]Restoration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Avoid Death, Recovery (because with Enchanting, you can make your spells cost nothing), Apprentice and Adept Restoration.[/td]

[td]Block[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Block Runner[/td]

[td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Removed[/td] [td]Soul Stealer, Mystic Binding, Apprentice and Adept Conjuration[/td]

[td]One-Handed[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]+3 Armsman, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, and Paralyzing Strike[/td]

[td]Smithing[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Dragon Smithing[/td]

[td]Conjuration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Conjuration Dual Casting (takes a moment, more powerful creatures)[/td]

[td]Restoration[/td] [td]Added[/td] [td]Restoration Dual Casting[/td]


Hope I didn't Deviate too much from your idea.

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I personally disagree with the dual-casting. Conjuration dualcasting only increases duration, not strength. With dead thrall and the other one, they will be permanent anyway.Restoration, maybe, but I've never had a need for it myself. Avoid Death would probably be better, though it depends if you want to invest 2 perks to get it (since the one before it isn't very useful, as you said).Note that if you invest in Necromage (Restoration), you can dead thrall things that are a slightly higher level. Again, probably not the most worthwhile investment, but something to consider since you appear to be going the conjuration route.

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Then, I'd remove both Dual casting, put one into Necromage. then what of the last perk? Because personally I think that Avoid Death isn't worth the Recovery perk and Necromage is much more useful over going Recovery --> Avoid Death on a once a day deal. Also you have one perk left to spend.(Side Note: Have you tried out the Boosting guide David? I remember you mentioning something about testing it out today)

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Doesn't look too bad, though I'll jot down what I noticed.

[*]You have an awful lot of perks in block, which would make me believe you intend to primarily use one-handed weapons. However, you only invested 2 perks in One-Handed. I would recommend taking some out of Block, Restoration, or Conjuration (will get to this in a minute) and put some more in one-handed (if that's going to be your main method of combat).

[*]For conjuration and restoration, I noticed you put a lot of perks into the Apprentice->Adept->etc trees. I'm not a huge fan of this since you can enchant your armor to get 100% spell cost reduction on two schools of magic, which is how many you invested in. You're going to have to do this with Conjuration regardless if you want to use high-cost spells like Dead Thrall anyway. That will free up four perks right there.

[*]Conjuration: Not a huge fan of the bound perks, but that's a personal preference since they're generally not as necessary at high levels (or with high smithing).

[*]Restoration: Noticed you invested in respite, which is a good move. Alternatively if you wanted to shy away from block, you could use a healing spell in one hand and one-handed weapon in the other, which would restore stamina + health while you are attacking, which makes you pretty unkillable.

I'd be able to be more specific if you included details on what your intended method of combat/support/etc was. :)

1. The idea for block was simply for those battles in which I can't entirely outrun the enemy and they're pretty strong, like trolls. However, I only put 2 in 1H because I thought it would both strengthen bound weapons and free up perks for other skills instead of focusing on 1H. If I take your word for it though, then it's probably better I stick with regular weapons.

2. Ah, forgot about enchantments. Yeah, that should really help in that case. Should I just stick one point in novice or apprentice?

Anyway, what I had in mind was pretty much using sword/shield for battles (using a bound sword) with prepared summons. I figured, as I said, that it would be easier than putting points in 1H since I originally wanted those rank perks to. Plus, as a breton and the elemental protection + whatever enchantments, he'd have a lot of elemental resistance without giving up some defense.

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Oh, the light armor thing was just a mental error, lol. I switched the thought that daedric armor is better in heavy and light, when dragonscale is better light, I assume.Here's what I've done with some changes (removing block, changing to lighter armor tree, improved conjuration and some restoration): http://skyrimcalculator.com/#121143EDIT: And I'm not too interesting in dual casting. I wouldn't mind it in restoration, but I don't think I'd need it for conjuration since most monsters at expert/monster level would probably be strong enough. I could definitely be wrong.

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Considering your last link, here is a couple of perk changes I'd suggest.

[*]Since you'll ultimately be making zero-cost Restoration and Conjuration armor, I'd only invest up to Apprentice Restoration for Fast Healing. It's a very dependable spell and should get you through the early levels

[*]You invested two in Recovery. I understand the meaning behind this, but if you want to invest in a more long term build, you can take one perk out of Recovery and invest it in Avoid Death

[*]I'm not a fan of Arcane Blacksmither as I always build my gear than enchant it. But if there is some specific unique enchanted item you want to use, then feel free to keep it

[*]This may just be personal preference, but I always take the Heavy Armor side of the Smithing perk tree. You still get Dragon Armor at the end and you have access to Daedric weapons as opposed to just Glass. Not a huge difference though, so this can be kept as it is

[*]Only kept Novice Conjurer. I'd understand why you'd go up to Apprentice or Adept though.

[*]From personal experience, I only need like 3 perks in Light Armor to achieve the maximum armor rating. This is if you use smithing and enchanting to its fullest potential

That frees up a good number of perks as well.

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Since Dragonscale is better, I'd still say take the Heavy armor route, since you can craft Daedric weapons (if you plan to use them at all) And you don't need the Apprentice-Master level on Conjuration and Restoration. Also, you may want to invest those extra unused perks now into Matching set so you'll have 50% to your full set of Light Armor. Other than that I don't really know what to Add or Remove.

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Yeah. The Master Conjuration just casts for half the cost. And I would say Thralls are necessary. They are significantly stronger than regular summons and they last until they die, which is useful considering you'll be holding a sword and healing spell in your hands.On the flip side, you can try taking the Zombie perk tree instead. It is arguably more useful. and a lot more fun.

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Should I just stick one point in novice or apprentice?

Assuming you plan on enchanting your armor for zero spell cost, I wouldn't put perks into any magic-related novice-apprentice-adept-etc tree besides novice ever. Novice only because that's required for other perks. There's just no point unless you're not going to go for -100% cost on your armor for roleplaying purposes.Your dual-wielding build looks pretty good. I would pick one type of one-handed weapon (e.g. axe only) instead of putting perks into both axe and mace boosting perks. With what you save, you can get the savage/paralyze strike tree. Again, it comes back to whether you're enchanting your armor or not. The same restoration/alteration spell cost reduction perk advice from earlier still applies, and those two trees are another place you *might* be able to cut back on, depending on what you're going for.Welcome to the site by the way, forgot to mention that earlier. :smile:
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Thanks. Hope this place has been as informational as you guys have been.The reason I went with axe and mace though, is that it could be a great combination with the mace ignoring armor, then the axe's extra bleeding damage adds to it. I suppose, however, I could simply enchant a weapon with that effect, right? Either way, I wouldn't mind going axes only 'cause I mostly just wanted to play a dual wielding orc who cleaves the living crap out of everything, lol. Axes cause more damage anyway, I assume?

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Blexun is correct, Maces do most (Warhammers likewise) and Swords do the least, but Maces are the slowest, while Swords are the fasted. And it doesn't specifically matter xD It's all about personal preference.To Gravis: The site has a wide variety of different topics on it for Skyrim, and mutiple guides. So, just take a look and see what you can learn!

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