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Skyrim Character builds (Most are Level 81)

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Here is my first Build, I like it the most and please, don't be stingy with Criticism, you can only make it better!


FOH = Fortify One-Hand

FTH = Fortify Two-Hand

FMR = Fortify Magicka Regen.

FHA = Fortify Heavy Armor

FH = Fortify Health

FS = Fortify Stamina

FB = Fortify Block

FR = Fortify Restoration

Level 81 Paladin/Melee:

Requirements: Minimum 40 Restoration, 100 One-Handed and Two-Handed, 100 Heavy Armor, (Optional, though helpful) 100 Block, and finally 100 Enchanting and Smithing.

Personal Notes: An atypical melee set, due to the Restoration Pre-requisite, but combined with more Magicka enchantments, basically an advanced person could technically live forever. Typical loadout for this build is One-Hand with Restoration spell. however one may deviate from this depending on the Situation.


Helmet: Fortify Magicka and Fortify Magicka Regen.

Chest: #1:(Fortify Health and Fortify Magicka Regen./ Fortify Magicka Regen. + Restoration Bonus) #2:(Replace FMR with Stamina, Stamina Regen. or Health Regen.)

Hands: #1(Fortify One-Hand and Fortify Two-Hand) #2(Fortify One-Hand and Fortify Magicka)

Feet: Resist Fire and Resist Frost (Or something with Carry weight on the side as an extra pair)

(Optional)Shield: #1(Fortify Block and Resist Magicka) #2(Resist Magicka and Fortify Health)

Ring:#1(FOH and FTH) #2(FOH and FR) #3(FTH and FH/FS) #4(FOH and FB) #5(FTH and FHA)

Amulet: Same as Ring.

Perk Distribution: 12 Heavy Armor, 10 Block, 16 Two-handed, 18 One-Handed, 6 Smithing, 10 Restoration, and 8 Enchanting

Perk Trees:

Posted Image

(if doesn't work: http://s746.photobucket.com/albums/xx102/Unknown_ProbLem/Skyrim Perk Tree builds/PallyBuild.jpg)

Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 35 Magicka, 15 Stamina (ending: 400, 450, 250)

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I'll just add what I already said in the PM for context.

Looks pretty good to me, anything at level 81 is going to be pretty powerful. At that point it really just comes down to what you level first. For example, putting a lot into two-handed isn't going to do much good if you primarily use one-handed and block.One suggestion I do have is perhaps using the enchanting to put Fortify Restoration on your armor. If you do put it on every (four pieces), you'll have -25%x4 = 100% mana cost reduction, thus giving you an unlimited magic pool for restoration. Used alongside one-handed, you would be literally unkillable.Doing that would open up some other changes. For example, you wouldn't need to put ANY level-ups into magicka at all. You could also put different enchantments on your armor. As for perks, I personally might take them out of Block, but that's just because I've never made a build that really uses the skill. If you go the restoration enchantment route you can just have a healing spell in one hand and a sword in the other, and it kind of negates the use for Block. Again, it just depends on what you want to do as far as combat is concerned.

I usually aim for builds at a lower level since 81 is a bit time consuming for my liking. At that point, you also have a lot of perk investments and can probably have at least 2 pretty well-developed play-styles that are completely different (if you wanted).
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well I can work around that, just gotta give me somewhere to start. I can be pretty creative when it comes to this. Just need to put my thinking cap on.Alright, I'm gonna try and make a lower level focused build of the one i made before, he'll be spec'd around One hand. so no Two-Hand, no Block. and modified M/H/S distribution.expect it within 10 minutes.

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Hey, it's another Build, tried to make it relatively simple and more focused. I feel like this one is better, and lower leveled so hopefully better.

A couple spots I couldn't figure out an enchant, due to the overall lack of enchants for the specific item, or just nothing that seemed to actually fit the build.

Level 54 Paladin/Melee:

Requirements: 100 Heavy Armor, 100 One-Handed, 90 Smithing, 75 Restoration, 100 Smithing

Personal Notes: can't really explain much, aside that i tried to compact my previous build, may be a little rushed however. please critique harder.


Helmet: Fortify Restoration and ??? (can't decide between FM and FMR because there aren't too many Helm enchants for this type)

Chest: Fortify Restoration and Fortify Health

Hands: Fortify One-Handed and ??? (Possibly Fortify Heavy Armor)

Feet: Fortify One-Handed (?) and Fortify Stamina or Resist Frost/Resist Fire

Ring:Fortify Restoration and Fortify One-Handed

Amulet:Fortify Restoration and Fortify One-Handed

Note: +100% Restoration and +160% One-Handed (+40% per enchant)

Perk Distribution: 12 Heavy Armor, 18 One-Handed, 6 Smithing, 9 Restoration, 8 enchanting

Posted Image

(if doesn't work:http://s746.photobuc...dPallyBuild.jpg )

Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 13 Magicka, 10 Stamina (ending:400, 230, 200 ) (53 total)

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Yeah, 54 is a more realistic goal for the average player. Ideally, I'd keep them all at 50, but I'd let anything up to 55 slide.As for the enchantments for the helmet, I'd go with Fortify Magic. Neither one is really needed because with 4 Fortify Restorations you'll be casting all healing spells without wasting magic, but better than nothing I guess.

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Alright, I'll aim to make that my goal, though I'll try to work on higher level ones as well and tweak them just for the "committed" or the interest few who can get there.

Just need to mess with a little bit, like maybe remove the +3 Bone Breaker on One-Handed or let the player decide when they hit 50, because One-Handed is the most bulky. I stopped at Expert Restoration though, because as far as I know, I've never personally seen a Master level Restoration spell. Not to mention that the highest expert spell I know of is.... I think Grand Healing with is a 200 heal + "splash healing" so people around you (Companions, unfortunate training horses) get some heals as well.

Edit: With the Removal of the +3 Bone Breaker in One-handed, and the +2 Recovery (+50% faster Magicka Regen.) in Restoration, the new level for this build should now be level 49.

New Point Distribution: Health 30, Magicka 8, Stamina 10 (400, 180, 200)

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Well the perks like Expert Restoration, Master Restoration, etc just halve the magic used to cast those spells. With the 100% Restoration Magic cost reduction, those aren't really necessary. I can understand investing in them when you first start out though.By the way, here are the master Restoration spells.Bane of the Undead-Sets undead up to level 44 on fire and makes them flee for 30s. Guardian Circle-Undead up to level 35 entering the circle will flee. Caster heals 20 health per second inside it.

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Level 50 Mage thing...:

Requirements: 80 Heavy Armor, 90 Smithing, 100 Conjuration, 60 Destruction, 75 Restoration, 100 Enchanting

Personal Notes: A hopefully solid mage spec/build that has a force multipler within Twin Souls and Conjuration. So you now become three instead of one, all while casting Destruction spells. Sadly, I had to throw in Heavy armor and smithing, because Mage's Robes have 0 armor and I don't want my Mage to be squishier than a water balloon...

Special Note: It would be recommended to make a second set of Rings and Amulets to compensate for one school not being at -100%.


Helmet: Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction

Chest: Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction

Hands: Fortify Heavy Armor and Fortify Magicka

Feet: Fortify Stamina/Stamina Regen. and Resist Fire/Frost/Shock

do what you want here, this slot constantly baffles me, as there are really no Enchants for it

Ring:Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction

Amulet:Fortify Restoration/Conjuration and Fortify Destruction

Set two: ( to balance the odd Magic schools)

Ring: Opposite Set one Ring

Amulet: Opposite Set one Amulet

Note:The second set, as mentioned above is to counter the fact that this spec/build has three schools of magic. adjust to however you play (either way, one will end with -50% instead of -100% like the other two will. (This means if you want -100% Destruction and Conjuration, make your enchantments for those two, along with put the perks as listed below. If you want either -100% Destruction and Restoration, etc. then you need to move Restoration's ApR, AdR, and ER to either Destruction or Conjuration. So adjust accordingly)

Note Acronyms:

ApR = Apprentice Resto., AdR = Adept Resto. and ER = Expert Resto

Extra Note: If you don't understand, move ApR --> either ApD or ApC, move AdR --> either AdD or AdC, and move ER --> ED or EC

Perk Distribution: (I figured I would try something else, as the trees were readable but blurry, so I'm experimenting here as well)

Heavy Armor:

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Health/Magicka/Stamina Distribution: 30 Health, 9 Magicka, 10 Stamina (ending:400, 19, 200 )(49 total)(Subject to change)

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I would go for 75 destruction to unlock the Expert spells if that's going to be the main method of combat. MAYBE 100 Smithing, too; it's one of the best skills regardless of build although having a mage with 100 smithing might break some roleplaying. You can also improve Dragon armor to be better than Daedric at Legendary. I'm not sure what the armor rating changes would be, though, if it was at the expense of Heavy Armor... I just like having a lot of armor options, so it's a personal taste. 90 Smithing would be better for most people.

If you just have one pair of rings for fortify conjuration, I would summon two atronachs and then have the fortify regeneration/destruction on 99% of the time (the exception being when a summon dies in combat since it's permanent otherwise).

Enchantment Changes

Hands: Fortify Carry Weight instead of Magicka.

Feet: Fortify Carry Weight instead of the Resists (not a fan of the usefulness of these).

Perk Changes

    [*]Eliminate Conjuration Dual-casting. Master Conjuration renders time pointless as effects are permanent with Dead Thrall. Dark Souls/Necromancy can be eliminated for similar reasons. There's some Restoration Perk that allows you to get higher level dead thrall summons that is a better alternative imo. Necromage? Don't remember the name.

    [*]The "augmented" destruction perks are optional. I would consider only putting the perks in one of the pathways if any, but it all depends how many points are left over.

    [*]All of the Restoration pers from adept ->Expert are unnecessary since you'll have -100% cost most of the time. Instead go for the Necromage and optionally recovery (1) for avoid death if enough perks are left.

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I've done comparisons a lot and overall between Daedric and Dragon, Daedric at (Legendary) does end with a higher armor rating. The Enchants do make more sense as well, just that boots have awful enchants for them in my opinion. I think they go better for sneak builds. I do like the changes and they are getting easier to read. That should be a template for critiques. :D A small rough personal summary, Enchant changes to the build, and Perk changes. :D

Do you like the Perk trees being lumped together, or individual and I feel easier to read?

Legend for Boot Enchants:

[*]FCW = Fortify Carry Weight

[*]FOH = Fortify One-Handed

[*]FP = Fortify Pickpocket

[*]FSn = Fortify Sneak

[*]FS = Fortify Stamina

[*]FSR = Fortify Stamina Regen.

[*]FTH = Fortify Two-Handed

[*]M = Muffle

[*]RFi = Resist Fire

[*]RFo= Resist Frost

[*]RS = Resist Shock

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I never put Heavy Armor on any of my mage characters as my atronachs and followers would take most of the damage, but I'd understand why you would have it up there. I don't think putting that many perks into the right tree for better protection is necessary though. On my thief character I have at the moment, I only have 3 perks in the first perk (the one that improves the effectiveness of light armor in general) and, with smithing and enchanting boost, I passed the max armor rating. I imagine it'd be easier to achieve that with Heavy.Good build overall though. I too hate enchanting my feet.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one, ha. Also do you have an xbox? Also, I made a guide, check it out. I like being here, everybody is really nice :D and at least honest. you and traaginen are very knowledgeable with enchantments and whatnot.

Edit: No builds for today :< I left my enchantments sheet at home. Might scour for some weapon enchants and make a list somewhere on the site for reference. I could try to make them really in depth and such.

Maybe one day they'll be perfect.

Currently tweaking a "Hunter" Spec from a couple of days ago.

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As you said Stealth, I didn't include what I would for a Thief character. In other words, I focused more on the combat-stealth character rather than the practical thief with Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, and relative perks.I would say the usual 100 Smithing with all 6 heavy perks and 100 Enchanting with 8 perks on the middle path is a given. The Stealth character I'm on now uses both Archery and One handed, but I can understand if you would want to stick with one or the other. For Sneak, picking up the right side of the perk tree (the ones with back stab, assassin's blade, etc) is a must. I really like Silent Movement, but you can forget about this if you are lucky to find a Muffle enchantment. Light Armor is your best bet. I wouldn't invest too many perks in the armor efficiency aspect as the 100 smithing and enchanting will max out your armor rating anyway. The left side of the Light Armor may interest you. And maybe Alchemy, if anything just for role playing purposes.Khjaiit will be the best starter race. Maybe Wood Elf.

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There are a lot of different routes you can choose with stealth. Dual dagger, one-handed, archery, etc. Sneak attacks are probably overpowered in the game, but it really makes things a blast. Though at high sneak levels it's almost "too easy."Also, why not an Argonian?

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Argonian would definitely work, but they have bonuses in Lockpicking and Pickpocket as well as Sneak, so I always pictured them as a Thief rather than the combat stealth that I planned out.Then again, you can pretty much make any type of character with any race, so that doesn't really matter. Just makes things a tad easier. Argonian as better abilities anyway.

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I like Blex's idea of the Archery + One-Hand because you can't rely solely on your bow, as normally my ending set of armor almost forces me to play on Master. The Enchanting and Smithing are an obvious thing, and I like the Alchemy because last night i expeimented with my 81 "hunter" and i have a legit 12k gold Daedric bow that with daedric arrows does 652 damage. So + to the Alchemy. I'd have to decide on it dualing as a thief as well but i don't know. I want to keep this between 50-60 in level. when I have access to a computer i'll work more at it.Edit: i didnt really expect this but with Alteration for something like a melee class isnt a bad idea as the Master spell is ridiculous. "Caster ignores 80% of all physical damage for 30 seconds" which is pretty good (at least i think xD)

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