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Skyrim - Game Freezes When Entering Water [Fix]



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Guest Morten Andre Christensen

Hey! I tried your solution, and I am not really sure if it works, because now i constantly fall through the ground, all the FSX has been removed and I cant move either... Know of any solutions? I'd hate to delete the save....

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Did you reinstall the patch after you deleted it? If not, make sure you do so. I've never heard of anything like that happening with this fix; the first 3 pages of this thread attest to that. Perhaps your save file is corrupted from something else. Try creating a new character and seeing if you have the same issues, If they're gone and the other save file still has them, that's probably the problem.

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Guest Morten Andre Christensen

I have tried to make a new character, but it falls through the wagon just as the screen shows... and I get stuck between a loadingscreen before it loads back to another bugged character...

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Guest Eythan

I'm trying it out now, however i chose to delete the "Skyrim Update" file rather than the "skyrim" file, as i dont wanna spend ages downloading 4500mb or so again... Hope this works!

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Guest skyRIM

Thanks bro. I was trying to get back into skyrim for the new dlc coming soon and this whole water glitch was really preventing me fromdoing so. I really appreciate the help.

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David, I think you should post the final solution in the post after this, because I know this was fixed a long time ago and this thread doesn't exactly need to be spammed. I hope everyone can find and use the solution correctly, and stop postin thank yous so others don't need to dig for the information.Thank you for your time, and hope our solutions can help you master water once more. :Dalso if you have a similar yet unrelated glitch/bug, please make a new post so that we can properly adress it directly.

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