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Merchant life suggestions.

Death Knight


Hey, I save multiple characters on skyrim (so I don't start over when I get bored with one type of character ex: Archer,hunter,assassan,barbarian,bandit,soldier,knight,skirmisher etc) The current one i'm playing as is a merchant/civilan. I put all the points i can into speech, He's not much at all for combat, no armor just clothing. A one handed weapon at times, but no perk upgrades yet. I want to avoid dungeouns and caves & whatnot for gold, I do alchemy for gold buying from shops and creating potions so that way I can avoid the combat aspect (when combat is involved I hire mercanaries.) I know enchanting & mining & using transmute and cutting wood & brawling are things I can do, hunting as well, but i'm wondering if anyone can think of anything else where i play a non-combative, non-hunting/mining etc, things i can do in town to turn a profit, preferably by buying/selling/trading/bartering. I'm open to any suggestions. & does anyone know if when it says for the perk "can sell any item to any merchant" if that includes stolen items ?? I appreciate any & all input on this matter ! thanks !
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That's a really interesting play-through, might have to try something similar.

Here are a few ways you can get money...

    [*]Treasure Hunting: There are several chests/treasure locations located throughout the world that don't necessarily involve any combat. For example, North-East of Markarth there's a sunken row-boat that contains like 1000+ in various gems. It's pretty difficult to find since it's in-between two high cliffs.

    [*]Mining: Gloombound mine, if you weren't already aware. You can mine 45-50 ebony ore, which is extremely profitable. You can then smith this into Daedric if you have the smithing level, which increases profits even more. Downside is that you can only mine it once every few weeks.

    [*]Thievery: self explanatory.

    [*]Odd Jobs: People like the Smith at the entrance to Whiterun will offer jobs for you to do. Honestly, these are generally not worth your time, but if you're interested in role-playing through them they seem like something your character would go for.

The perk you're referring to is "Merchant." It doesn't allow you to sell stolen items to every merchants, though there is a perk for that - fence (you must first invest in the merchant before they'll buy stolen items). Merchant essentially turns every merchant into a general store, so you don't have to run around to different places to sell different types of things. I'm pretty sure you're also able to BUY any type of item from all stores as well. This is really handy for alchemy and allows you to buy rare things that aren't supposed to be sold.

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Well Speech, Smithing, Alchemy, and Enchanting are the most important skills for you to perk in. Speech is just to get the best deals, best persuasion to avoid combat situations, and just general ease when buying and selling stuff. The last three is just to aid your follower when/if you do decide to venture in more dangerous situation. Enchanting can also help you survive and fortify bartering.Speech-Taking the left side is probably your best bet. I wouldn't go all the way to the Master Trader perk because there should be enough places to sell with the Investor and Fence perks. Taking the right side for persuasions and intimidations could also be beneficial, but I wouldn't deem it necessary.Smithing-Left or Right side. Probably best bet to go Heavy Armors.Enchanting-Straight middle for the health and skill enchantments. You could pick up a fire damage enchantment boost for your followers.Alchemy-Far right for the solid boost to your potions. Green thumb is interesting, allows you to get 2 ingredients from each plant you pick, but you'll have to invest a lot of perks to reach that.These are only my ideas and suggestions. If you wanna plan out your merchant entirely, I recommend the Skyrim Perk tool at the top of our website.Edit: Well never-mind. David got rid of it.

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