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Clan Fealty


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A clan cloak with a fealty upgrade boosts experience gain when gathering resources in the citadel by an amount dependent on its tier, which maxes at three. Tier one gives 15% bonus experience, 30% at tier two and 45% at tier three. Each week that the player meets the requirements for a clan ring, the cloak rises in tier, while failing to meet the requirements for the clan ring causes the cloak to fall in tier, though it can be recovered by once again meeting the requirements. The clan cloak is upgraded upon entering the citadel.

The cloak does not need to be worn to get the bonus at the Clan Citadel (can be on cape rack in player owned house, in bank or unobtained).

Once the player has achieved fealty rank 3, they may claim their XP Reward by right-clicking on their clan cloak, and clicking "Fealty-Reward." The amount of experience gained is determined by the level of the skill chosen; the formula is the same as the formula used to gain exp in the Shattered Heart D&D.

The formula is Experience = x2 − 2x + 100, where x is the sk

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are we ever gonna vote on color change for the cape? like change it once a month depending on how many votesjust sayin

TRR has always been green as far as I can remember to be honest, we had this discussion a few weeks ago and I think most people wanted it to stay green, Im neutral tho, I dont really care, anything but yellow.
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are we ever gonna vote on color change for the cape? like change it once a month depending on how many votesjust sayin

No we're not going to change the colour of the cape every month xD

TRR has always been green as far as I can remember to be honest, we had this discussion a few weeks ago and I think most people wanted it to stay green, Im neutral tho, I dont really care, anything but yellow.

It will stay green, the only things that would change if anything would be the cape trimming so ATM it's silver maybe...gold (original) black or whiteLastly maybe have an inverted cape so the green will be white and the silver will be greenOther from that the cape will not change colours
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