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~Request A Signature Here!~


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My first priority will be The Runescape Rebelz clan members.

I’m not going to grantee all star signature making, but I will try my best.

Please Fill Out The Form And Post It Here

PLEASE make sure that the part you're filling out isn't the same colour as the Form itself (:

PLEASE try to provide an .png image with no background, greatly appreciate it

Image (provide link):


Main Text:

Main Text Colour:

Subtext (if any):

Subtext Colour (if any):

Boarder (yes/no):

TRR Logo OR ES Logo [pick one] (yes/no):

Additional Comments:

Example (Please removed unfilled or 'no' sections when filling the form out)

Image (provide link): http://static9.cdn.u...rtcm2142771.png

Colour: black, blue, slate

Main Text: Anarchy

Main Text Colour: White

TRR Logo for The Runescape Rebelz (yes/no): Yes

Additional Comments: Add some snow effect

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Didn't know we had one! None of mine are runescape related anyway :P

Eh, well, there's a Skyrim Comics gallery and RuneScape gallery (which is mainly "The LOL Squad", like a load of lulzy TRR memories/pics put together or whatever, I remember it). Get David to make a signature gallery?

King Sceptik - completed

Posted Image

make sure you click the url and copy the full url


Love that dragon, awesome. Missing the TRR logo though. :P
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Eh, well, there's a Skyrim Comics gallery and RuneScape gallery (which is mainly "The LOL Squad", like a load of lulzy TRR memories/pics put together or whatever, I remember it). Get David to make a signature gallery?

Love that dragon, awesome. Missing the TRR logo though. :P

darn it thanks, there are two dragons

Posted Image

Make sure you click the link and copy the whole URL


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Image (provide link): http://4.bp.blogspot...C+died+954..jpg

Colour: Red

Main Text: Eric Bloodaxe

Main Text Colour: Black

Boarder (yes/no): yes

ES Logo (yes/no): Is it possbile to get one with and one without? Just so I see what I like best

Additional Comments: I'm not sure if that picture is any good, I really just want something viking-related

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  • 2 weeks later...

Image (provide link): http://s1098.photobu...aderz/Showcase/ , take your pick on one or two pictures

Colour: White or red theme, you will see by the pics

Main Text: Go Go Power Rangers!

Main Text Colour: Whatever looks right :)

Subtext (if any): Brad

Subtext Colour (if any): Again whatever looks right

Boarder (yes/no): Upto you again, take your pic :)

Additional Comments: 400x150 would be good as well if you could :)

Lost my Photoshop so i've come to you :D make it look smart, YOU DA MAN!


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Additional Comments: 400x150 would be good as well if you could :)

Lost my Photoshop so i've come to you :D make it look smart, YOU DA MAN!

Umm those are in pixel correct? (:

Also I approve of this signature 150,000% POWER RANGERS TILL THE END!!!! I have a black ranger shirt (:

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