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How can I get the cornered rat quest to start?

Guest dddpaccc


21 answers to this question

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You just need to speak to Delphine after Diplomatic Immunity; she'll tell you to seek out Esbern. After that, you travel to Riften and talk to either Brynjolf or the Argonian bartender in The Bee and Barb.If you are having issues with the bug associated with that quest, you can reply to this topic to add more information about what you're struggling with and we'll help you out. If not, the wiki can help for bug workarounds.

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i have talked to delaphine i went to riften before finishing diplomatic immunity i went in the rataways dirge is a pile of ashes so i cant revive him. ive done everything im supposed to dipplomatic immunity is completed yet she wont give me the quest nor will the bartenders and byjolf has talked to me and i stole the ring and he mentions nothin about the new quest im a level 52 do i really need to start back before i wnet to rifton i was only a 23 and i don't want to put all that time back imto it its not fair im so powerful i don';t have the thime to start bascially back at the beginning of the game is there a patch or someway to get it to start i have xbox so no computer commands

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Hm, yeah, I believe that's one of the more annoying bugs in the game. I don't think there's any guarunteed method to fix it, so your only option may be to reload a previous save. Since your only save is so far back, you might be better off just ignoring this quest on your current character.

    [*]The quest may also fail to start after completing Diplomatic Immunity, and even trying manually start or end it with the console will not work. You may have to skip forward to the start of the next quest, Alduin's Wall, by using the console and typing in setstage MQ203 5, which will allow you to continue.

    [*]There may be a glitch in which if you are halfway through the Thieves Guild quests, you will not be able to continue the quest as there are no dialogue options for Brynjolf. (Xbox 360)

      [*]This may occur if you have started the quest A Chance Arrangement, where the first requirement is to speak with Brynjolf outside. Complete that to advance.

    [*]After speaking to Delphine about Esbern, she will direct you to Brynjolf, but there will be no mission start and you cannot ask the bartender in the Ragged Flagon of The Bee and Barb about Esbern.

I've highlighted some fixes above. If your issue is Delphine simply not giving you the quest at all at the end of Diplomatic Immunity, you're probably out of luck. Otherwise, there are some quest bugs that are fixable if you're having dialogue issues with Brynjolf.

Make sure your game is the most updated version (release notes), I know v1.04 had fixes related to this quest. However, these patches usually only prevent this from happening in future games; if your current one is already bugged, it probably won't fix the issue alone.

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looks like im startin back because it simply wont start but i can fix alot of mistakes so maybe it wont be that bad i think the level was 30 and my conjuring was still 100 so ill just have to take charge at the imperials one more time. i hope this bug doesnt ruin such an awsome game

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yea. this is beyond ridiculous. theres not a chance im loading a save 40 hours ago so i can get this stupid quest to work. it looks like this cornered rat quest has been bugged since the game first come out.. what is it now 3 or 4 patches and bestheda still havn't fucking fixed it. give me my money back or make your game work.

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Guest LittleFilms

Don't worry dude, don't worry. According to an upcoming patch, 1.5:

In “A Cornered Rat,†the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression

Hopefully it will work... Hopefully

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Guest Kevin

No it didn't fix my problem either (the 1.5 patch on Xbox) - I'm at level 60 with 200+ hours and now I'll never be able to complete this game (without starting all over, no previous saved games) and there's no way I'm risking a broken heart again. I want my money back!

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No it didn't fix my problem either (the 1.5 patch on Xbox) - I'm at level 60 with 200+ hours and now I'll never be able to complete this game (without starting all over, no previous saved games) and there's no way I'm risking a broken heart again. I want my money back!

The 1.5 patch only claimed to fix the death of specific NPC's blocking progression. Was that your issue? When the quests are actually (legitimately) fixed they should automatically start after 15-20mins of playtime after the patch is installed. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a complete fix as the way they worded it specifically had me skeptical. If you had the dead NPC issue, though, and it STILL doesn't work... Well, damn.
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Guest Kevin

No the dead NPC wasn't the problem (not sure who's death would have affected this quest?). I think I missed something in the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity? Delphine didn't give me the quest after I completed it. Brynjolf just says Hmm now, barkeep won't start it, and Esbern won't engage in any dialogue whatsoever (just closes the slide in the door). I haven't (and can't now) joined the Thieves Guild, and I think that may have something to do with it? I also already visited Riften before starting this quest (I deliberately avoided the main quest to do as many other radiant quest as possible to "get my money's worth" from the game). Not sure I can trust another Bethesda game after all of this fruitless effort - I mean GREAT game but 200+ hours is just TOO MUCH to lose! :(

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Guest Kevin

Does anyone have any suggestions?! I went back to the Thalmore Embassy and kicked some High Elf ass, but it's locked and requires a key (I'm sure it was only meant to be open for the one quest - Diplomatic Immunity). After killing all the guards and wizards, none of them have the key.Any input from SOMEONE would be greatly appreciated (ahem....Bethesda)

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Guest Guest

have the same problem gave up playing a couple of months ago waiting for a fix that never came, why can't they put something in to just start the quest as a patch...>!7##$&@!#%@#%

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Guest Doomdodgers

I found a 100% working way of starting the quest "A Cornered Rat" if it for some reason doesnt start. (I had a destroy thieves guild mod, so that messed up the whole main questline.)


Type in console:


prid 00019DF9                       (This activates Vekel the Man in console so you can edit his actor values.)

addtofaction 0005a1a4 1       (Adds Vekel into player ally group, so he will talk to you without you joining the thieves guild.)

startquest MQ202                   (Makes it possible to ask from Vekel about Esbern, and therefore start the quest.)


Then talk to Vekel the Man in Riften Ratway. You should now have the option to ask about esbern without playing the thieves guild quests if you have killed every member of it including Karliah, like i did. Or if the other Thieves guilders attack you, he wont. 

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I bought skyrim legendary edition expecting it to have enough patches to fix any problem, boy was I f-in wrong, I've got a total of 8 misc missions that wont start or cant hand in, 3 main mission quests including cornered rat and a whole host of other issues. (it took 5 atempts to get bloody married for god sake) I know theirs always been a bit of a joke about bethesda games having quirks (having completed fallout 3 and all it's dlc I already knew it wouldnt run perfectly) but the fact that their are such severe glitches that you cant complete a game isnt funny. I spent good money on something thats got about as much polish in it as a massive pile of dog sh*t, they shouldnt have bothered making dlc instead they should have made patches that mean you can finish the game you just paud for. My final word on this is bethesda arnt getting another penny out of me after this unless they learn how to make games that actually work

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Guest Michael

I am also stuck on this quest, but when i got the quest, the marker for it was not anywhere near riften but rather on the opposite end of the map is there a fix for that 


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