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The Wilderness - An Unauthorised Biography


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http://forums.zybez.net/topic/1546213-would-you-actually-want-this/I only joined RuneScape around Spring 2010, so I had missed out of the true wilderness. Even though they brought back the wildy and free trade, replacing bounty hunter and PvP worlds, it doesn't seem to be the same from what I've seen.Anyone else like to see the wildy be as awesome as before?
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The wildy is kinda the same now as it used to be, it's just that there are too many overpowered/too expensive items. I loved pking because of the thrill it gave me, not because of the profit. Just risking 100k and winning 50k, it was mad fun. Nowadays you gotta bring the finest armour at my lvl to compete, unless you do f2p pking, but pking without a special attack sounds lame to me.

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I remember the old widerness, there was nothing stopping you no trench no gate nothing just a little sign that popped up that you didnt care for and closed it...I remember I use to stay away from the wilderness like a plague and when me and my friend use to do runs into it we played that happiest form of music we could find on runescape... (:that video was touching.... T_T

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