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So guys I don't know if there is any topic about Christmas yet but still I would like to make one so here it is...

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So guys I was thinking in some stuff about life bla bla bla and so I had this idea of help you know, now a days teenagers don'0t care so much about other ppl as aduls.... other than theyr girlfriends/boyfriends or friends.... and basicly I thought that as we are realy close to christmas I could lauch a campain of help to feel.

Wierd name but what it means is that first wen you help someone you are doing a good action wich is good, if everyone does that the world would be great!! but most ppl just don't care...

Second, wen you do this most times you will feel good by have helped the other person + the other person will retribute to you and help you or at least would be thinking ur a great person.

So the basics are that help someone else is great for the world and if we all do this, like help one new person daily or help the same person but alot would be nice, and try to do that often, no just in christmas... Free yourselves because they are going to help you back with big happiness :D

Enjoy christmas and now see some funny pics Posted Image

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This one's great!!! lolololol HOHOHO

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