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What is the importance of coins in RS?


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Do you need money to play Runescape?

Assuming you mean coins: Theoretically, no - but you need to it to enjoy RS.

Do you need coins to enjoy Runescape?

YESH! :(

Do you need $ to be good at Runescape?

No, but if you are good, you're probably going to make coins so yeah.

Does a big cashstack resemble your skill in Runescape?

No, you can buy coins with irl monies. :D

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Do you need money to play Runescape? At the start no, but the farther in yes

Do you need coins to enjoy Runescape? If your member yea

Do you need $$$$ to be good at Runescape? No, but it makes it alot easier

Does a big cashstack resemble your skill in Runescape?Not really however there are buyable skills

just mah opinion.

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