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Fav N64 Games LOL

Dark Mana

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Screw N64, all the cool kids have a Super Nintendo

Totallyyyy miss playing Super Mario! I, like 99% of kids, would lift the controller in the air whenever I needed Mario to jump, thinking it would help. Ahh, nostalgia. &I miss Mortal Kombat .. Which was on.. Sega? I'm feeling old now ><

N64 faves were/are Mario Kart and Monopoly.

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Played a Mario + Luigi game with a friend.The stage was setup something like: ---- ---- o o -------------------------------the o's are boxes.the aim was to fight turtles, and other such things - this small .. repetetive game was hilarious.I think it was the multiplayer part of Mario Allstars, but i cannot be sure.

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