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Request to be a clan friend.


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Well everyone I enjoyed my time in TRR, but the extreme lack of activity (I not once attented an event with more than 5 people, 5 people should not be considered an event...) has led me to start jumping back into the clan search in hopes of finding one that can pull 15+ active members to events on a regular basis, wish me luck? Anyway I still plan on dropping by the forums from time to time and raise hell and will join cc every now and then as a guest... or that is the game plan, as I like to consider a handful of people I met on here friends (i.e Bwad, fergalicious, destiny, warriorsc and a few select others), but of course if all i get is flamed and troll'd on for leaving (which theres a couple people i am pretty sure will hate for no reason) I can just as easily disappear from forums, after all in the long run it's still runescape?Anywho, everyone take care and I'll catch you around.

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