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It's been a long time coming guys.


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Yup 4 years of work, and it's time for my prelims/exams. They finish on the 25th of November. Cya then <3. I will be popping up now and then, I've been inactive for a while and this is the reason why. there my exams that shape my chance of university and a career. I'm in all top credit classes.( The best type of exam is credit. and I'm in the top class for credit for all 8 of my exams; Physics, Chemistry, Math, Modern Studies, French, English. Drama, and P.e Studies.When I come back I will start with event team and work my way back to being very active.I know a lot of you guys think i'm really stupid, i'll post my results after there done. I hope that changes what you think.;) Sorry for the title btw.

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