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mixed event conquest + dungeneering


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did mixed events due to one didnt like dungeoneering so did conquest then went to dung but did one floor with one person then someone else came online and did another with someone else

event: conquest

amount of people attended : 2

who attended : me (destiny) and tynisia

special guests: none

notes: we did conquest as tynisia doesnt like dung we did one round first and i died pretty quickly photos will show why hopefully when we finished i asked if we could do another round and then i lasted alot longer hehe came up with a good stragegy that would of worked but tynisia had a plan that worked and stopped it.


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the start of the battle between me and tynisia :)


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me dying noooooo

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tynisia dying hehe got you back :)

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look at the amount of troops left

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just 2 troops left :(

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by this time it was chase the scout as i only had one left :)

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i died nooooooooooooooooooo

after that round we did one more round which i didnt take screenies of but it did last longer

event: dungeoneering

amount of people : 3

who in TRR attended: me ( destiny) tomba

special guests : bgs

notes: first i did some dungeoneering with bgs we did a medium floor we was on a right go of finishing rooms we came to a dreadful switch room which we both hate it was really fun pics can do the talking hehe most of the pics where from the medium.

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me and Bgs after killing some monsters we stood still for one pic

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me and bgs fighting together

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soloing what we fought :)

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piling again due to it being a high level

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the amount of rooms we opened :)

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end of dung :) nice xp for floor 24

then i left the dung and came back in to do floor 13 with tomba didnt take many pics of this one as have loads already :) but it was really fun

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tomba kills

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me hunting to show tomba how to hunt in a dungeon :) and got him up to level 17

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end of dungeon with tomba after this we was supposed to do another one so i could get 571 xp but tomba wanted to do c1 we did but then he left and said brb and then i thought i will do c6 floor 25 and then finally got level 53 dung

overall notes : both events where really fun wish people would turn up to the events so i didnt have to plan some on the spot but it was still fun and thank you for those that did make it :)

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