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Just need some advice...

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I am f2p all my stats are listed below. I have 316K and no idea what too do with it. I will NOT be getting a membership anytime soon so I do not see any point in keeping it, I was thinking about training a skill but I also want to make some money while I train it. I am so lost on what to do :) I already have full rune. Anyone have any Suggestions/Advice on what I should do with it? Please do not tell me to save it because I have nothing to save it for.

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To be honest. I'd say save it. Why? Because what would you spend it on? At this point in time you're just looking for a reason to spend it on and likely you'll regret it seeing as you don't have all that much. Why not just wait it out and when you happen to decide what you actually want to do with it then you can spend it. That's just my opinion and what I did with mine and it worked out fine.

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