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Which Skill is the best for money?


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PKing is 90% good stats for your combat, 6% good equipment for your play style/stats 4% switches, and f2p pking is kinda a joke and just for fun, cause you cannot k0 the guy in full rune before he teles away, and if you do it's so rare and worth a max of 200k, if anything make a pure killer and get all those rune scimmy/rune 2h rewards...

LULULULULULULULULULULUL. Wrong.I'd say:90% Luck. Hits/Specs.5% Stats2% Equipment3% Random shit that just happens.^Fact.Also f2p pking is so much fun. if you are unable to ko someone in full rune before they tele/run then you suck. Then again the same is said about p2p pking so it doesn't matter. P2p you time your specs and switches. F2p you time your switches it's all pretty simple stuff. Also. For those 200k sets they add up really fast mostly the scims/2h's and shorts. I personally had about 130m~ of rune pk loot from just f2p pking back when there was pvp worlds/bh and it was pretty common.
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