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Arthur Liem's Goal/Achievement Thread

Arthur Liem

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Greetings and welcome to my Goals thread. I encourage you to give up suggestions and advice in order to help me along my journey, because I am going to need it. Below is a list of things I am currently working on, as well as pictures of recent achievements. Enjoy!

Prayer: 52/77

Magic: 37/99

Quest Points: 2/324

Dungeoneering: 1/85


45 Prayer

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50 Prayer

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My Idea on Summoning is; low the better, in duels it completely changes the combat levels you'll be fighting, you can live without it and its: expensive and slow, or just suupppeeeerrrr slow.<br /><br />And i see your making maxed tank, 74pray might be nice(rigour 20% rng boost 25% defence boost), and personally i like the 60atk 88str set better, for a tank (you'll still be ranged based)Anyway Good Luck!And you may want lower goals cause when you see it took you 1 week for like 500k xp and you need more than 12mil xp per skill you want 99, it may disappoint you

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Good luck, nice goals, should take awhile to get. :)As for summoning. With PKing, once you enter wildy, you will be F2PCmb+extra (Like I am: 94+4. 94 in F2P, 98 in P2P), so no problem thar. Could be a problem with Dueling, maybe not.Summoning is good though, Terror Bird is awesome. Then you have the likes of Pak Yak ect at the higher levels, really handy, y'now?

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Well, here is my out take from the replies:The reason I have 70 ATK as a goal is solely for the use of the Abyssal Whip for 99 DEF. As far as Summoning goes for Slayer, that was my initial and main dilemma with the situation. I'm using Slayer (my favorite skill) as a way to train all of the multiple of skills. While the EXP in some of the skills may be slow, I'm not basing this off a time line just yet.Now, I understand for Slayer, at a minimum 68 Summoning is almost a must at higher levels. But in order for me to raise it, I would have to sacrifice my Combat Level in order to use it (104 combat vs 110+). That makes a considerable difference in the Dueling world, not so much a factor for PKing.And yes, the idea is to be a maxed tank with the use of Arcane Stream, SOL, and alike items in order to gain immediate advantages both in PKing and Dueling.Can you tell me why you prefer the 60 ATK / 88 STR set up better I-God Apollo? My intent is to focus on the Range/Magic capabilities of my character, not so much the Melee. Maybe I am missing something, so please, by all means, keep feeding me some information.

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60 atk 88str you'll hit decently, 70atk 70str you'll have the melee stats of a cb 89 or so. whats the point of abby whip if you'll hit more accurate and harder with ranged/magic, 75atk if anything only for staff of light capabilities,if you'r using melee at all as pking tool you'll want high str to hit decently, 70atk 70str most people your combat are 85atk 85str 85def if I'm correct, even for training defence higher str= You'll hit higher= more xp per hour if your training on something with low defence, all and all 60 atk 88str= d claws and dds and decent strength for your level, 70atk gives no melee spec weapons more useful then 60atk. And at combat 104+ you'll meet is 80defence up, or turmoil zerker. turmoil zerker d claw spec 88str is a nice hit on him, abby whip/sara sword not so much. 75atk for staff of light only, but a good replacement is ahrims staff which is not only 100000% cheaper, but also gives 15% add to max damage as opposed to 18% of staff of light.And if your doing it for ahrims staff/staff of light keep str as low as possible, turmoil zerker is gonna be leeching your attack and str, so unless you use attack or str in the pking fight your giving it to your opponent. Ask any questions as I'm sure I did not word this the best way possible.I've seen many 99slayer 1 summoning within my life, it makes slaying easier I'm sure, but 99slayer is only not to get bored If I've understood correctly, and if this is mainly for pvp situations cb matters and in my opinion putting the time and energy in summoning is better used in slaying and pking.BTW idk if I posted it or not but I think 74prayer would be lovely on your dream account for rigour.BTW cb 81 42def 90rng fight me sometime :P

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60 atk 88str you'll hit decently, 70atk 70str you'll have the melee stats of a cb 89 or so. whats the point of abby whip if you'll hit more accurate and harder with ranged/magic, 75atk if anything only for staff of light capabilities,if you'r using melee at all as pking tool you'll want high str to hit decently, 70atk 70str most people your combat are 85atk 85str 85def if I'm correct, even for training defence higher str= You'll hit higher= more xp per hour if your training on something with low defence, all and all 60 atk 88str= d claws and dds and decent strength for your level, 70atk gives no melee spec weapons more useful then 60atk. And at combat 104+ you'll meet is 80defence up, or turmoil zerker. turmoil zerker d claw spec 88str is a nice hit on him, abby whip/sara sword not so much. 75atk for staff of light only, but a good replacement is ahrims staff which is not only 100000% cheaper, but also gives 15% add to max damage as opposed to 18% of staff of light.And if your doing it for ahrims staff/staff of light keep str as low as possible, turmoil zerker is gonna be leeching your attack and str, so unless you use attack or str in the pking fight your giving it to your opponent. Ask any questions as I'm sure I did not word this the best way possible.I've seen many 99slayer 1 summoning within my life, it makes slaying easier I'm sure, but 99slayer is only not to get bored If I've understood correctly, and if this is mainly for pvp situations cb matters and in my opinion putting the time and energy in summoning is better used in slaying and pking.BTW idk if I posted it or not but I think 74prayer would be lovely on your dream account for rigour.BTW cb 81 42def 90rng fight me sometime :P

Ok, so 88 str is only going to be good for training purposes basically? Because Melee is not much of an option outside of that. Even with Slayer after I get ATK/STR/DEF to where I want, tasks are going to be Magic/Ranged. 74 Prayer is a good option and highly considering it, but I'm trying to figure out a minimal combat level for me to stay at with these stats. lol.
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If we're looking at melee strictly for training purposes 70/70 is much better than 60/88.My little brother and me did some research on how much one would hit in a battle and my little brother came up with some calculations with which I can calculate an average damage/second ratio.Let's say we're fighting a random monster with 50 defense.Using a Dragon scimitar with 60/88 stats would give you an average dmg/sec ratio of 53.However using an Abyssal whip with 70/70 stats would give you a much higher average dmg/sec ratio of 65.When training on random monsters we're looking for the best average damage as that would give the highest training speed.You can see that 70/70 is a much better option there.Besides hitting much better 70/70 also requires a much lower total experience.The total experience of 70/70 is 1,475,254 whereas the total experience of 60/88 is a whopping 4,659,518!That's a difference of roughly 3 million experience points!You can see that training attack and strength equally results in higher average damage for a lot less experience.That means you need less experience to get more experience in the same time!

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Well, summoning is only really a problem when dueling.The wilderness is designed to split up your combat on entering it.So, what you're going to need to decide is what you find most important.Do you really need the lowest possible combat level you can get for the duel arena?One combat level gets added for every 8 summoning levels.If you like slayer think you should at least get 68 summoning for a bunyip because it saves loads of money and inventory space when doing tasks.If you're really serious about it you might even want to consider the unicorn (the only reason I haven't got the unicorn yet is because I'm broke, I have the charms ready).So, basically we're looking at 8-11 extra combat levels.If you ask me I'd say get 68 summoning at least.Slayer is a fun way to raise combat and you're going to do quite a lot of it before you reach those levels.Because dueling is the only downside I wouldn't care too much, if you're 99 mage+range I'm guessing you should do rather fine in the arena even with those extra combat levels.Actually, now that I think about it, I think it might even be a good thing.You're probably going to duel for big money.If you keep your combat as low as possible your main opponents are either poor melee based noobs of the same level or people exactly like you.If your combat is a bit higher your main targets are a bit higher too which usually means they have more money even if they are melee based.My suggestion is to train summoning, I doubt you'll regret it much.The decision is of course completely yours.

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Well, the problem that I find in Dueling Arena is that, being a higher level (110+) in combat usually leads to lower stakes, uneasy noobs, and nervous opponents. Reason I say this is because at that level, your potential for winning tips either way. It becomes more of a fight of luck rather than raw skill. The only thing you are going to encounter that may or may not be easy are pures. And 9/10 times they are going to win because you are ill-prepared and they have the advantage of solely crushing you with one particular combat.

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Arthur, you took what I said incorrectly(probuably my wording), melee is pretty much for spec weps as a tank, or to use/wear rng/mage weapons (not to train, you will see why at the end of this post). 70atk 70str you'll hit low as a combat 80 with claws/dds specs, at 88 strength you'll hit decently with claws/dds spec. If your not using melee at all 75attack 1 strength would be most preferred for Staff of light;I don't know if you've ever fought in combat 100+ wildy but there's alot of turmoil going around. So that means they're leeching the shit outta you so lower atk/str the lower boost you give them. Summoning issue is simple; higher combat more help, less combat less help. Same with 70atk 70str as Judo said "There is a whopping 3mil difference" Well you can do that extra 3mil xp and be able to spec with d claws if you wish, or you can get 70atk 70str and make training easier. BTW as a tank longrange chins is 150k xp per hour defence xp which is better anything you can do with 70atk 70str. And 74pray vs 52pray, 74pray= 25% defence boost (+25defence if 99) and 20% ranged (+20 range if 99) for 3 combat levels from 52... pretty worth it if not staking. STAKING AND PVP ARE TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS TO BE GOOD SO CHOOSE ONE OR THE OTHER.

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