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The Liem Exordium

Arthur Liem

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GREETINGS!Well, for starters, I would like to welcome you all to my introduction page. You may call me Jason, but as with all RuneScape names, that usually becomes your call sign. As for a little bit of background information on myself:I am 22 years of age, originally born in Naples, Italy, later moved to the United States where I currently stay in Tennessee. I should be moving in April of 2012 to Florida. I am currently apart of the Armed Forces and deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Luckily enough, I am on the backside of the deployment and will be home in a couple of months. I play RuneScape as often as I can while I am here, fighting the horrible internet service and odd work hours. I enjoy gaming, MMA, sports and of course I can't forget all the beautiful ladies :). I actually have plans in building my own computer when I get home. I am probably going to end up dumping $7-8,000 in the computer alone, but I am planning on running 8-10 hard drives with both the Mac OS and Windows 7 applications (yes, it can be done). If I had to choose though, I would most definitely go with Windows. The only reason I want the Mac OS is for the graphical/video editting work that I do in my free time. So, now you are probably wondering, where is all that other money going to? Well, I'm going to end up running GTX 580s in 3-Way SLI (overkill, yes i know) with a i7-990x processor superclocked to 5.2 GHz (again overkill i know). The rest of the components besides the motherboard are multiples, mainly fans and cooling units. What jumps the price up so high though, is the (3) 32" monitors with mounting brackets, the computer chair, and the corner desk I am buying to support the computer itself :). If you have any suggestions, please throw them my way. I enjoy talking about technology. Oh and the computer will be pushing out 224-245 FPS, more than likely, it will constantly run around 80-150 FPS, in order to avoid image frizzing due to the screen's refresh rate/processors FPS output.ANYWAY, I have been around the RuneScape world since the MUD back in 1999, which later released as RSC. Those were the good ole days, when everyone was care free. Instead of now, where we are constantly battling bots, which has increased ten-fold in the last year and then the restrictions that follow from Jagex. I played religiously for about 8 years, then settled down for that last couple of years. In 2010, I left the RuneScape community to venture other interests. Sadly enough, this game is really addicting because it has sucked me back into it's orbital hold, haha. Now, instead of using my old account, I am building from the floor up with a new character. I know there have been plenty of updates in the last year, year in a half and so, I only seek help in building this new character, besides the other obvious roles as being apart of the clan itself.Well, there is my spill, if you have questions or suggestions, please, by all means post them here and I will gladly reply to them.Thanks,Arthur Liem

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Welcome, and HOLY SHIT THAT COMPUTER SOUNDS SEXY. If you need any help, just ask in the cc or post on the forums, I or another member will be sure to try and answer your question.

Haha, not quite the reaction I thought I would get. Yeah, my plan is the build a computer that is going to last me at least 8-10 years on graphical, video, audio, and visual applications with minimal upgrades. People argue the entire 3-way SLI with the 580s with the Quad SLI 590s but what they fail to realize is the the GTX 590s are a dual GPU card and so the processing speed isn't quite as fast because media information is basically broken into 2 separate processes instead of 3. Idk, but I like the 580s much better.As for the processor, I went overboard big time with it, seeing the i7-990x alone costs $1000, but in the long run it will pay off. I will post a full list of specs soon and let you comment as you see fit :)Thanks for the welcome and yes, I would rather you know something about me instead of just saying "Hey! I joined"
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Thanks for the welcome destiny. It feels good to be apart of TRR. Now to just get situated. My playing time unfortunately will be less than par because of the work schedule I have and being deployed overseas at the moment, but I only have a couple of months left, so it won't be too bad. Trying to check the forums as much as possible and at least keep that front open. :)

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Thanks again :). Yeah, I still need to work on the full line of specs...so don't drool just yet. And yes, the experience is nice, but I am also open to new ideas. I love to learn and evolve, which what makes RuneScape such an addicting game. Right when you think you have the best way to train a skill or make money, BOOM!, another update and now you can integrate different methods in order to achieve an even higher goal. With that, you may have quests/achievements you must obtain in order to achieve what you want, so yes, I enjoy the constant challenges Jagex has to offer :D.

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Welcome, I actually got really excited when I saw you lived in Tennessee, as I do, and I have also lived in Florida, just actually moved back home to TN form Jacksonville, but then I see you actually ain't staying lol but it's all good, and I would say something about your computer your going to be building but.....I honestly have no idea what you said. I'm not the smartest person when it comes to computer, I mean I can use one just fine, but when you talk all about what makes it do its stuff and how to make it better....you lost me. Although I would love to learn so if you have any things to teach me that would be helpful, or know websites and such that's good for learning just let me know.<br /><br />My Sept farther is also in the military, he is in Navy, what branch are you in?

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Coty, what part of TN? I live just east of Memphis. And I will be moving down around the Tampa Bay area :P. Also, if you want to learn, feel free to contact me:

PM me

Email: [email protected]

Any questions you have, I should be able to help and I can teach you how to better yourself at knowing your computer. Especially when you consider buying one.

Also, I'm trying to make it to the IRC as best as I can right now. My internet keeps throwing up faults though, so I'm working out the kinks.

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