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Omega Dragon Warlord

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About Omega Dragon Warlord

  • Birthday 12/07/1983

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    Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A.
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  1. I know I absolutely hated FFXIII besides a few small things (such as graphics and only three of the characters I liked which were Lightning, Snow, & Fang) and I also decided to rent XIII-2 when it came out. Well, I enjoyed it so much I just had to buy the CE.
  2. In some of my compatibility patches (the SkyRE compat plugins), Boss says, well, "Remember to delete xyz.esp", which I thought is odd (as it isn't being consistent with them). Basically, should I do that (rather deactivate them in my case, I'm not gonna delete them)? I'm also going to provide info from Boss too. Edit: Nevermind, that is how it works. /facepalm@myself lol
  3. Something a la the hardcore gamer route, but not quite so hardcore and I'm hardly casual. Not to mention, I am quite the graphics whore, a bit of a PC elitist, and the direct opposite of a genre gamer - there are certain genres I just don't like.
  4. It seems my favorite host server has been downed recently, so I had to go all the way to damn Augusta (otherwise I'd be getting up~around 100MB/s). Luckily, I still get to Japan fairly well though.
  5. My 2012-anticipation list (as according to Amazon release-dates) includes currently but not limited to:Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Future SoldierNeed for Speed: Most WantedResident Evil 6Sleeping DogsYakuza: Dead SoulsRagnarok OdysseyDead or Alive 5DishonoredThe Last of Us
  6. Of all the mods out there, the ones I'd like to actually see would be an AI mod replicating the behavior of Demon/Dark Souls enemies and a battle system replicating Dragon's Dogma (esp. in relation to larger creatures). That would just be fantastic.
  7. I dunno why but I feel honored. Aw!!! Ya gotta be kidding me! D'em bastards, how can an 'upgrade' also be a 'downgrade'? Thanks, and yeah it's saved me a lot of time. So I saw the first two of this (unholy?) trinity, where's this Anarchy fellow? lol
  8. That's what got me confused, I figured there'd have to be a "proxylibrary=x/y/z" for each of the *.dll files, but this works.
  9. Digimon was okay, but IMO it sucked largely because Digimon were classified for being good or evil, whereas in Pokemon even your Dark-types are not evil as there's no such thing as a good or evil Pokemon (and it didn't help the only decent Digimon were often considered "evil" anyways such as Metalskullgreymon).My favorite Pokemon include Charizard, Arcanine, Mewtwo, Umbreon, Tyranitar, Salamence, Rayquaza, Zoroark, & Zekrom. Other honorable mentions are Pidgeot, Kingler, Rhydon, Gyarados, Espeon, Steelix, Houndoom, Mightyena, Groudon, Garchomp, Braviary, Reshiram, [black] Kyurem, and Genesect.
  10. What would I do to get FXAA Injector working with ENB? Would it looks basically like this in the ENBseries.ini file? If not, then is there a single *.dll file that uses FXAA & ENB or am I looking at this wrong?[proxy]EnableProxyLibrary=trueInitProxyFunctions=trueProxyLibrary=example1enbd3d9.dllProxyLibrary=example2fxaad3d9.dll
  11. Yeah, this... I feel I'm pigeonholed into using archery/magic half the time when fighting them things though and that sucks.
  12. I honestly never thought about until I just now saw this thread.What about one of them guards that saw you absorb the dragon and immediately claims you're Dragonborn? Or maybe the Jarl of Whiterun, Balgruuf himself? He does take on the friendly approach soon as you reach Dragonsreach.(As far as Talos goes, I could've sworn the Dragonborn gets referred to as Talos near the end of Skyrim's main storyline or in some sidequest around then?)
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