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Everything posted by Blyynd

  1. There was a MASSIVE price crash in a lot of items, so you can get things pretty easy now.. Whips are like 500-600k nowadays.. I hope you come back, more members are always good
  2. Thank you all, glad to see your'e all helpful! I asked someone in the game from the clan, why i couldn't join the clan chat as a member (i only can as a guest, not able to talk), he told me i meet someone in game... A leader, is that it? Thanks!
  3. So, hello everyone, i am new to the clan! I am 132 combat, at the moment, but i come from a long period of time without playing the game, and right now i want to get back into it! I need a little help, as i've seen there are a few new features, etc...I currently only have 20M as i gave away a lot of things when i left RS (Now i want to stay FOREVER ahah, don't worry.) and with this money, what good armour can i buy nowadays? If anyone can help me with that... And also, is there any important thing that changed in the last few months, that i should be aware of ? Thanks a lot!edit: Also, when i try to join the clan chat "The Rebelz" , it says the "you need to be in a clan in order to do that.." :S
  4. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Heen X Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 2146 F2P/P2P: P2P Combat: 121 F2P / 132 P2P Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes, RSM (Runescape Militia) Where did you hear about TRR? RuneHQ Forums What were your first impressions of us? A very organized group of mature and experienced players. Why do you wish to join our clan? I just came back to Runescape, and made my account P2P, therefore i want to make part of an organized and fun clan, like you guys seem to be! I might need a little help, as i haven't played for a while, and i've seen tons of new features, but i guess i'll just be fine with you!
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