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Nathan last won the day on August 26 2013

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About Nathan

  • Birthday 08/25/1993

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    Anime/Manga (I won't list them all), Halo, RoosterTeeth, Video gaming (mostly xbox games). Drawing (I do a lot of fan art), Martial Arts (kung fu, Karate, Chinese Lions)
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  1. I've decided I'm no longer going to run Citadel Gatherings, I've run it 4 times and no one has turned up so theres better ways my time could be spent. If the event team or anyone else wants to create a similar event they are more than welcome to.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tynisa


      I suppose i didn't really ask a question per se, i made a statement you didn't technically reply to, would be better wording. Technically you half made a reply to my statement about the point of doing it, but left no response the the rest of my statement "In reality, then clan is never going to use it anyway"

      Anyway .. yeah, no hard feelings my friend, just my opinion.

    3. Nathan


      Okay, I get ya now.

      The thing is the citadel can be really useful, its great for a bit of skilling training, though in order to make full use of that you need to upgrade it, the thing with the clan avatars could make it even more useful. And there are definitely people who do like using the citadel and there would be even more if it was upgraded more.

    4. Tynisa


      Sort of see your point, i just .. well, it never got used when i was around, and it doesnt seem like there is more activity than before, so i guess its just me being pessimistic.

      Honestly, i'd come back and play more if people actually attended events - there are WAY too many people in this clan who dont use IRC/Forums, and on top of that dont attend events. - Its part of the reason i stopped playing myself.

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