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Nathan last won the day on August 26 2013

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About Nathan

  • Birthday 08/25/1993

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    Anime/Manga (I won't list them all), Halo, RoosterTeeth, Video gaming (mostly xbox games). Drawing (I do a lot of fan art), Martial Arts (kung fu, Karate, Chinese Lions)
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  1. I hate trying to find Scientific Journals...There always far more complicated than they need to and rarely actually say what your looking for, especially since I'm still at a basic level of science.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan


      Yeah its for uni, I've got to find 3 scientific journals to support the claims I make in my Ecology Prac Report. So far I've found 2 that I can use, and they aren't that great, theres only really one sentence in each of them that was actually relevant to what I'm doing. Because its such basic stuff the proper scientific journals just assume anyone reading it is familiar with it so they don't go into detail on those things.

    3. Jake


      I know how you feel. I hate when that happens.

    4. Blake


      Similar thing with English where I had to come up with a social theory based on some real world examples and use scientific journals to back it up.

      Usually, the best course of action is to bs it, draw your own conclusions from your source, and just quote random sentences that connect it all together.

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