Thanks everyone for the help. Im glad that it was only temperary and not a permanent loss of my character or somethin. that would be dead island all over again
After succesfully loading the login screen i enter my info and continue to login. I can see the tabs (world select, friend chat, etc) for a split second and then im instantly kicked back to the login screen. Can anyone explain this to me plz!
Runescape name:Goreblaster (someone plz send clan invite =( )Real life name:MattFacebookpage:ewwwAre TRR members allowed to add you?:Age:20Country+timezone:America (central)School/University/Work:not in school atm. work for recycling companyHobbies:Being fatherSports:soccerFavorite athletes:noneFavorite sports club:none# Years you have been playing RS:5+Time you've been in TRR:2 daysWhat you usually do when playing RS:level everything but combat. aiming to be highest skill leveled noobie =)
What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Goreblaster Your RuneScape account's... Total Level:Currently only 474 F2P/P2P:p2p Combat:42 (combat is something i like to level later after i level money making skills) Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? no Where did you hear about TRR? Forum What were your first impressions of us? Very excited b/c i have been searching for a friendly active clan that dosnt have any requirements other than activity. Why do you wish to join our clan? To be a part of a social group of like minded and friendly players who are looking for nothing other than a good time!