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Everything posted by Achilles_lucky_5

  1. okay so i have two saves, one with a level 33 wood elf, and another with a level 20 nord. which should i have as a vampire lord and which should i have as a dawnguard?
  2. if you have equipment that fortifies sneak or muffles you then yes
  3. the perk planner really helps to plan what you want, my advice is to pick 2 or 3 main branches that you want to concentrate on,then when those are at a satisfying level then pick some other skills, powerleveling can help if you're having trouble.
  4. dawnguard or vampire lord?

    1. David


      Armored trolls sound interesting, so I'm thinking Dawnguard. Of course I have no background information on either.

    2. Blake


      Destroy Skyrim, then save it. VAMPIRE LORD@

    3. Achilles_lucky_5


      i love how you can have huge ironies in skyrim, joining the imperials then doing the dark brotherhood quest in which you kill the imperial emperor

      my wood elf is going to be dawnguard, and my nord will be vampire lord

  5. when i usually encounter a dragon, some other creature is near, so i end up being chased by both until they fight each other then i just pick them off.
  6. yeah it kinda sucks, at least they have a vague idea when they'll get the DLc, we have no idea (ps3 and pc players)
  7. something i really want to see if possible, is guild battlesDB battling TGor College of Winterhold vs. Companions.that would be very cool to see
  8. who else can't wait for Dawnguard to appear

    1. David


      I'm pretty pumped, can't wait for more details on it.

    2. Achilles_lucky_5


      should be exciting

  9. but i'm talking all the jarl's. they can all be replaced by ppl the DB wants to replace em with
  10. unfortunately there's only 1 high elf that's marriable
  11. any advice as to how to arrange my high elf mage

  12. in skyrim there are only about 9 factions available to join, and personally i think that we need more (such as forsworn, or cults) factions available to join.
  13. that's a awesome video, pity you can't actually do that for the dark brotherhood(kill a jarl) after a certain amount of contracts have been fulfilled then the jarl is replaced by someone thatthe dark brotherhood is in charge of
  14. that's true, and the ps3 i have is a new well oiled machine, so i'll stick with ur advice. thx:)
  15. i know that, except there's supposed to be a way to install a mod on ps3.i've been trying to get my dad to buy a newer computer (we have a really old one)but he's to lazy to do that
  16. yeah, do you know if you can pickpocket the robes early from savos aren at the college of winterhold
  17. oh well when i was writing the post i thought your online name was Geoff Peterson, and your name was a reference to an earlier post you made
  18. i don't know if it counts but i like the archmage robes a lot especially with morokei and elven gauntlets and boots (again if it counts)i also like the nightingale armor and guild masters armor a lot too
  19. i've made a powerful mage build tell me what you think about it: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#129803

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Achilles_lucky_5


      here's a newer version of it what do you think?


    3. Blake


      Here is a modified version of yours.


      And that is below 50. You can tweak it a bit if you want. I never do one handed on a pure mage though.

    4. Achilles_lucky_5


      thx man, it's a nice perk system. appreciate it :)

  20. like the title, i've found some mods that i can put on my jump drive and install on my ps3. but i'm scared i might screw up and make something crash, anyone know how to safely install a mod for a console?
  21. well true that blexunyou could be right for the races and the rings (but that would be cool)even though this is a wishlist
  22. i would like spearsmore racesextra customizable armor like geofften rings (ten fingers) can be equippedcrossbowmore exploitable areas more random encounters
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