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About Achilles_lucky_5

  • Birthday 08/28/1990

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  1. absolutely no clue, but we didn't want it to be on this website only that's pretty much it, i mean we are still making it.
  2. hello everyone i am currently making an article of skyrim that i plan to publish as a little explanation/guide/tips an tricks article. i will be publishing it on this website if i can, however, i would like your opinions if you want me to. unfortunantley it is a private project until publishment. this will not be the only website i post the article about. if anyone wants to contribute with guides or lore or extras i will be happy to add it to the article along with whatever name you want displayed.if you want to take part in editing or something else here is my email: [email protected]. note: this is not my actual email it is made specifically for this project. thank you
  3. drela's cottage is relatively close to whiterun and dawnstar and it has alchemy,enchanting,chests,and a bed. however it is guarded by a sorcerer named drela (derp) there are a ton of alchemy ingredients there too
  4. i am aps3 player but i know about and love mods, one mod that i want to see in skyrim is where you can buy or find a pipe, match, and tobacco, so that when the dovakiin sits an option appears so that an animation will play of you pulling out the pipe putting tobacco in then lighting it with a match.. that coupled with some graphic, shadow, and hobbit hole mods will be absolutley amazing
  5. hello everyone i am currently making an article of skyrim that i plan to publish as a little explanation/guide/tips an tricks article and i would like your opinions of this is a good idea, this will not be the only website that i plan to publish it on

  6. what do you think are some of the greatest ironies created or can be created in skyrim?
  7. so for my VL it will be a breton stealth/mage, any advice for the build?

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