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x cryptic x

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    Online Gamine, Sports, Films
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x cryptic x's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 2 errors , tip.it link takes you to zamorak gwd and in the text "If you have not been to ZGW before"
  2. Very Very good idea to do this. Weekly or Monthly either way it will be a great asset to the community to keep up to date on the previous week and also provide an insight into the week ahead.What I would suggest is Jump Links. In the "Table of Contents" make all them links to the corresponding article since with all the great content that could be added weekly to the newsletter the posts may get a bit large!Other then that I really like this!!
  3. MINING(Start 97): 98 -> 99 HERBLORE(Start 87): 88 ->: 89 -> 90 CONSTRUCTION(Start 77): 78 -> 79 -> 80 DUNGEONEERING(Start 76): 77 RUNECRAFTING(Start 92): 93 OTHER: 20m Woodcutting EXP Alog RSS: http://services.rune...ame=x�Cryptic�x
  4. 99's: Attack, Strength, Defence, Constitution, Prayer, Ranged, Magic, Fishing, Woodcutting, Slayer, Thieving, Fletching, Cooking, Firemaking and SmithingTotal Level: 2200+All Skills: 70Max QPThanks <3!
  5. Hello! Welcome to the site. Let me know if you ever need anything or have any suggestions. :)

    1. x cryptic x

      x cryptic x

      Thanks =), Just one thing. When will i be added to the clan chat since it would appear i currently cannot speak in it lol

    2. David


      As soon as someone with a rank high enough comes on, they should be able to add you right away. You might have to PM them to remind them though.

  6. Happy to of been accepted into The RuneScape Rebelz! <3

    1. Tcee


      Welcome to TRR Cryptic! :]

  7. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? x Cryptic x Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: 2364 F2P/P2P: P2P Combat: 138 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? No Where did you hear about TRR? tip.it forums What were your first impressions of us? A good looking strong community with a real message to true RS users that wish to just enjoy the game! Why do you wish to join our clan? To be able to join in with a community and help expand said community. Also, to make friends and just enjoy playing RS.
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