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  1. ROFL that's a nice one :3I have another small nasty story >.<It was at the same restaurant too about a year or so ago..We get these customers that come by every tuesday, an old couple Larry and Mary, and one day the man went to the bathroom and he's been in there for awhile... so someone went to check him out and there was BLOOD ALL OVER THE RESTROOM FLOOR (A one person restroom)(He said he was ok when he walked out and Mary helped her husband walk back to the booth table and he was fine after that...)I can't remember what the hell happened to him but all I can remember is I'm the one that had to clean it up because everyone else vomitted or couldn't stand the sight of blood... My stomach was churning (That was A LOT OF BLOOD) and I hated the smell but I did the best of standing the blood, so I was put into cleaning it up >.>Smell didn't go away for a week or so?
  2. What I mean by this,Is there might be days when I'm not on at all (Like today)I do apologize for this and if this should keep going on and I find out I can't play anymore.. (Unlikely too happen, I SHOULD have SOME free gaming time) then I'll let y'all know incase that I can't play but I can still write on the forums.Made this thread for a heads up to let everyone know especially the Boss's Jamie and Anarchy what's up with me if they see me as inactive. I'll try to get on Runescape as best as I can (Not letting the training to 50's on atk, str, and def I've done go to waste!)Peace out family <3
  3. Ewwwwie that's grossss...I'm very sorry you had to clean that up... blech...I have one that I had to clean up in a bathroom floor... if you wanna know?It's not throw-up....
  4. lol idk how to post comments on someone's page.. sad..

    1. Blake


      1. Go to their account

      2. Click "Profile Feed" on the right

      3. Leave comment

      4. ????

      5. BANNED!

  5. Hehe, I know! To this day, FFX is still one of my favorite RPGs ever... I just love the story and the acting.. it gets me all the time no matter how much I play :D

  6. FFX?! I almost died when I saw your avatar, what a classic.

  7. Well, better yet..This was the most GROSS thing I have ever done in my life...Work was slow tonight, so my friend manager (Yep we are friends ) pulled me out back outside to help him clean the garbage and boxes around the trashcans cause it was cluttered everywhere.. so we did that which was easy and no problem...THEN, the nastiest part of my life, there was a full trash can of nasty garbage, and another smaller trashcan in there, with water we got from a couple of rains we've gotten the past few weeks, and me and the manager tipped the trashcan over to pour out the water and it was FREAKING AWEFUL SMELL!!!! Worse than Rotten Eggs probably!!! The stink went OVER the whole building and the stink went up through the air vents and INTO the restaurant causing EVERYONE to leave x.xMe and the manager then hosed down all the trashcans and hosed down the stink water which wasn't helping at all.. then it was my idea to pour bleach all over the water and spray hot water and that worked wonders...Go smart me lol but shit... that was the nastiest thing I've done in my life...You can share me some of the nastiest things you've done in your life if you want too haha
  8. Probably letting me know that he's the leader of the clan, and that his name is Constanci0 in the game incase I didn't know.But I did already know He's a good clan leader from what I've seen so far ^_^By the way, Green and Red are my favorite opposite colors
  9. YepSo I'll say this againI bet Jagex is happy making all that money..Makes me think though, whyyyyy would someone waste near $100 just for spins?? That's ridiculous!
  10. I bet Jagex is happy they are making all this money >.>
  11. Looking forward to getting to know you, and everyone else as well oooo an events person!! I'll definitely have to get to you then about events if I have an idea x3
  12. omg dude, now I'm definitely staying clear away from buying spinsThanks for posting this up.
  13. Heyyy everyone :DMy name is Addison and I'm glad to join this clan!Clans with no requirements are so much easier when your a noob >.>I'm planning to stay in this clan for as long as I can play Runescape.. and make friends along the way and lvl up my skills and account high :)Well, I'm really bad at introductions but at least I posted something ^_^Hopefully pretty soon, when I've got the hang of Runescape with a high lvl in all skills,I can do events with you guys and dung and other stuff together!
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