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Status Replies posted by cheekychips

  1. Everybody chill the fuck out. I'm back. Also, 128 notifications. DX

  2. Amber Alert - A Blexun has been missing for two days.

  3. Somewhere, God must of decided I've been a good person as I hit my Xbox with my toe today and it turned on

  4. Don't forget to visit the Citadel and cap ladies!!

  5. Just got my permit! Missed 5 questions, and was allowed to miss 5 and still pass.

    1. cheekychips


      The same thing happened to me. Congratulations.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. showin my brother how to use this site lolz

  7. Hitting the road pretty soon ~ Have a nice weekend everyone!

  8. Accepted my first TRR application. I'm moving up in this world.

    1. cheekychips


      Maybe one day you'll be a global moderator or something.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. W00t! Dad gave me video games back for bringing my grade up! All I had to do was shave my mustache...

  10. I hope this confuses the hell out of you. http://i.imgur.com/Us4QZ.gif

  11. Lms guys and i'll liyke, totally do ay truth is!

  12. Really want to visit scotland now.

  13. Really want to visit scotland now.

  14. Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is too much fun. But do you want to gamble, but don't have any money. Maybe a certain upcoming forum game can help you out....

  15. 100 reputation. Let's hear it for 100 more!

  16. $20 from my parents. If you knew how broke I was, you'll realize how excited I am atm.

  17. Gallery hook is now on the side. Thoughts?

    1. cheekychips


      i too liked it better on top, but its really not something to get up in arms about.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Its a great day for America, everybody

  19. Spent the last hour and a half wondering who was the idiot playing muffled music during class. It wasn't until I got to the library that I figured out I was the idiot D:

  20. Sooooo many guest viewing that Skyrim water freezing thing. Is that a common issue now?

  21. I've been working on a secret project that I'm sure will please many of the guests to our site. Introducing the new... TaylorSwift.ElderSouls.com !

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