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sstabeler last won the day on May 20 2012

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  1. citadel has enough resources, can the manually locked skillplots be unlocked please? I'd like to get some smithing XP, and can't while the skillplots are locked
  2. we have 12 unique visitors now, and 4465/5755 lumber needed. come on, people, we only need 3 more visitors, and once i've capped, a couple hundred lumber. would take 15 mins max.
  3. why are the klin and ore plots locked manually? I can see why it might be nessecary to put some form of lock on them, but would a target lock not be a better idea? Then, whne the other plots have reaxched their target, the new plots will unlock.
  4. we just need 4 visitors now. That is, we need 4 non-probationary members to visit, but they don't actually need to do anything. just enter the citadel, then leave again if they want to. 1 more visitor required for all upgrades. Edit - Broke Rule II.2 (Spamming Section) Please read over our rules. Clan & Forum Rules
  5. 6 more people need to visit for all upgrades, 1 needs to cap. at a minimum, we need 1 more person to visit, for upkeep.
  6. cockroaches? sign me up!
  7. can someone unlock the Mine? we already have all the reosurces we need for upgrading, so theres little point in the block anymore.
  8. total level 1200, just got the last level nesswecary for it.
  9. actually, it's a fealty level if you earn a clan ring.
  10. all skills 20, totla level 1000+, and I think I qualify for the $10 donation award. ( I am a premium member, and IIRC, it is the yearly option.)sorry for the double post, but I have earned the level 3 fealty award too
  11. we only need one more, if we need 15 people visiting. of coruse, we still need about 9k resources too...
  12. yeah, all reasources used towards upgrade jobs are saved. So in other words, it is worth putting as large a list of upgrades on the build list as possible, simply to prevent spoilage of resources.
  13. the Citadel's back? Brilliant! looks like I can get new Rings again.
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