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Death Knight

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Everything posted by Death Knight

  1. So, Say you have a high bounty, like...i don't know lets go with 57,000 or something, and all guards attack on sight, is there a way to get them to arrest me so i can go to jail or something ? sheathing weapons doesn't seem too effective...
  2. -the mace is pretty good for clobbering does damage to everything, and if you have all mace and damage upgrades, it will do 100% bonus damge, 125% for standing power attacks, and regardless of what type of attack, 75% armor penetrationSpellbreaker, My god, I love that shield.Dawnbreaker, never got it yetSanguine Rose, fun, but i don't really use staves much.Razor-I've gotten a fair amount of kills with it...but its choosing between steady damage, or a chance to instant kill, but do you run at people with daggers out often ? currently im dual weilding a sword in my left and dagger in my right.
  3. So, i'm in the brotherhood this time around, and they DO go by ear/word of mouth to get contracts, they hear about them eventually, and them make a deal with the person.
  4. Ive never killed him either...paarthurnax, i mean. You collect your blades, then they help you hunt dragons that esbern finds for you
  5. I try to pick characters of some kind of morals, but also for diversity.I picked;Lydia- Bow,Blade,Heavy armor,Block, perfect for a blades skills, plus good moral character, loyal, trustworthy. My Ranger.Benor(the guy from marthal you brawl with)-Two handed, heavy armor, aspires to be a guard, so naturally he wants to help the citizens of skyrim, etc, I have him as my Tank.I had Iona before, but i'm wondering should I have another ranger, A mage, or if i could find a priest, would they actually have the spells required to heal others, or just themselves, and if they had the ability to heal others, would they ? I was thinking a mage because they dont really seem to run out of Magicka, so its more the matter of finding a deadly enough one, i know the one at the bee & barb is quite efficent, adept level robes, and spells as well I believe.Any clarification on the priests spells/abilities? or Suggestions as to my third blade ?
  6. Hahaha, bravo sir, bravo.
  7. Like I said, my dream world haha, but the ones that go crazy and branch off are what the guards are for hahaim hoping to be a carpenter when alls said & done, possibly a blacksmith, even though i dont have any training or much of any knowledge about the art, but i know more about carpentry/cabinetry, I can make furniture, and know a bit about residential carpentry (building houses etc) so i would be able to contribute that much, i've also worked at stables, and with livestock, and have grown crops before (yes, i'm a redneck/hillbilly/country boy/son of the soil) I could teach basic martial arts and branching off of that, swordplay and the like.
  8. Ever since I was young, I've been deeply interested with blades bows, honour, kings & queens, loyalty, fire & steel, the samurai culture/disipline, the vicortian age in england, the 100 year war between and french, the scotish warriors, men-at-arms, archers, carpenters,blacksmithing, horsebackriding/calvary, battle field tactics and strategies so on and so forth, Im sure you get the point.Has anyone else ever dreamed about a world like this ? or at least a land like this full of likeminded individuals working together for a prosperous land, of course we would still have indoor plumbing, acess to medicine etc. But everyone knows each other and helps their neighboors. Old music, taverns, town guards, honourable wives and friends.Blacksmiths, stable hands, farmers, carpenters, stone masons, hunters, merchants etc.Thats my sort of dream land, hills and valleys of green, tall mountain peaks where the only voice is the coyote howling at night or the wind whispering through the forest trees, ancient & full of wisdom.Does anyone else crave this ?
  9. Death Knight

    Smithing in Skyrim

    Thats so true... haha, It should take a small amount of firewood, whatever ingot you use for the arrows (Iron arrow=Iron ingots, Eleven arrows= Refined Moonstones) and leather strips, simply because EVERYTHING takes them haha.
  10. search apothecary shops for high level echanting/blacksmithing potions is my best suggestion.
  11. Summerset is going to have to be the VERY last installment, undoubtedly. As for learning of the dwenmer, or "deep elves" they didn't die off, they got cocky, and tried to take control of the daedric princes, so all of their races were banished to oblivion... read the books in the game, they're full of relavant information & history. The only Dwenmer alive is in morrowind, if hes still alive anyways...
  12. Possibly because of the quests in oblivion for them, to spend all that time searching to get a les than adequate potion out of it... So when spotted in Skyrim people just shiver in rememberance of that quest ? haha, thats just my guess, I personally collect them for alchemy.
  13. I would marry Lydia, but I made her a blade, plus it seems no matter how much we quest together, she never seems to have a dialouge to marry, downside of having the Xbox ? Maybe. I usally end up marrying Iona, or some other warrior/Archer/Mage type, that I can quest with.
  14. If i hear any more about it, or read anything i'll let you know Traaginen, not sure what else i'll hear since i tend to execute the entire brotherhood for three grand. But i'll keep an eye open.
  15. Sometimes I'll use two handed weapons, usaually a battle axe, I've always had a thing for every and any kind of axe since i was just young. The damage of two handed is great for heavy hitters or rushers, but the added armor and block of a shield and attack rate of a sword mace or war axe far outweighs the effectiveness of two handed weapons, but at least their better than in oblivion...hahaCurrently, since I try to model my character after myself, I use a bow and a dagger as a back up, occasianly ill go just with a blades sword for adventuring, to get my one handed and light armor up, since neither of them get much of a chance to be leveled since i drop most everything before it gets close
  16. Morthal ?....for Riften?.... thats terribly in the favour of the imperials...are you sure you don't mean Markarth ? the land of hills swarming with forsworn ?
  17. You make a good point, i was thinking of that myself, from my understanding the night mother is supposedly the daedric "prince" Mephala. And im assuming it was word of mouth,which is how you found out about it, and alot of people have contact with the DB, low borns, all the way upto the black briars, and on her way to receive the contract, you deal with it, and if you notice, some guards mention about the orphange owner, Grelod the-not-so-kind-after-all, being murdered, "hey, didnt i see you coming out of there after that?" just as a passing by dialouge, or commuication dialouge either way, word of mouth is likely how she gets contracts, and finds out about it, and if astrid really doesnt care for the night mother, which she seems to not, doesn't that mean shes more among the lines of the morag tong ? I know theres extreme differences, and similarites between the two guilds, but why instead of posioning the ways of the DB just join the MT and destroy the DB, or is the MT purely Dunmer ? I never played morrowind unfortanately.
  18. Live a villagers life, eat and sleep at regular times, chop wood, barter, hunt, mine, fish, collect ingredients from the wilds, go exploring, rid the rift of bandits and other undesribles, so on and so forth.
  19. Myself, I prefer the look of steel armour.-Steel Armor (with shoulderplates).-Steel imperial gauntlets (no alligence, just the emblem of the dragon is enjoyable).-Steel shin boots (I like both boots, and even though it's no different stat-wise, i like to think that when i wear heavy armor and can't move as easily, that i'm well protected)-Steel helmet (No horns, i like the idea, but ever since i've been heavy into ancient history, fuedal japan, mainly the victorian age in england, the medieval ages, not many men-at-arms had such atire for the headgear, so i try to keep it realistic, and i just like it more).I always wear enchanted gear, of the best i have wear its dragon scale for light armor, or daedric for heavy. That's only until i get my house however. When i get my house, i organize it totally & completely, and i keep regular villager clothes, a wood axe, simple armor for questing or raiding bandit camps or fortresses and the like for treasure. I spend time in town bartering what i have, buying and selling pelts, alchemy ingrediants, food, drink, etc. I don't fast travel too too often, since just traveling by foot places has found some rather interesting quests, forts areas etc.When im hunting, I usally carry a bow, wearing clothing or light armor, such as hide, studded, or leather, wearing elven, glass or dragonscale just isn't practical. I also like to go "fishing" working at mills for a little coin, and the like, living off of what I can do, the rift is by far my favorite area in skyrim, as well as the house. I always thought that whiterun had the best hunting for herbivores such as deer, elk. sometimes find wolves or sabre cats. I also thought that winterhold/Windhelm was the best area for big game; Snow bears, Snowy sabre cats and other creatures like ice wraiths, and a good area for food and some little coin from horkers. but Riften has evrything, all kinds of alchemy ingrediants, mining, for hunting, theres NUMEROUS wolves, bears, cave bears, elk, deer, goats, rabbits, not too many sabre cats, but a few, and i like the scenery the best.The only thing I don't like about the rift is the cursed black briars and theives guild (since my character is a nord, and i always model my characters after myself.) He fights for all of skyrim, his homeland which is the exact reason he hasn't picked a side in the war, because in the long run it will destroy his beloved home., He's already dispatched of the less than adequate assassins guild, the dark brotherhood. I'm trying to find a way to destroy the wretched black briars and theives, but theres likely no way to do so, only one i could find to kill was dirge, which was fun enough, but not enough damage to the guild to be worth being called a blow to them.So, to answer your question, its thisHeavy armor: Steel, because its classic, strong, sturdy, and dependeble armor for men-at-arms to rely on.Light armor:Leather, but without the helmet, and i enjoy hide/studded armor as well. I enjoy the simple things, which is why i spend a portion of the game as a villager/miner/hunter/fisher/alchemist/explorer etc. Eat every day, sleep at night when I can etc.Clothing: A wide assortment, depending on the occasion, or what im doing.
  20. Well, it could just end up like morrowind, where the argonians overan it. Just something totally unrelated perhaps ? Or maybe it will all result in the empire disolving, as well as the aldmeri dominion, more or less, that each province governs itself. If that were to happen though, i can see a another civil war in High rock, Bretons VS Orcs, that would be a terrible conflict, steel & strength against summoners & priests weilding flame and frost, the classic mage VS warrior debate. Whatever happens, i'm excited to see it, i'd place good money that the summerset isles, the ancient isles so shrouded in myth and historic mystery, will be the final province to be played, and that it will be horrificly superior to anything we could imagine, needless to say i don't expect to see the final game in 10 years, at the least.
  21. I like mine with peanut butter topped with syrup, strawberries or bananas if im feeling adventerous
  22. First off, I'd like to say my opinion is unbiased, i see the point on both sides.Who's the better leader ?.... hard to say really, whichever side you go with, acts with better military intelligence & doctrine, regardless of your actions. I understand Jarl Ulfrics point about wishing to worship Talos freely, being betrayed in the Markarth Incident, that would anger me as well. Jarl Ulfric didn't murder the high king, he DID challenge High King Tyragg to one on one combat, High King Tyragg didn't stand a chance but accepted and fought to the death, respectable, but foolish. Jarl Ulfric killed him to make his cause known, attract attention and rally a formidable force to his cause. I commend Jarl Ulfric for fighting for what he beleives in, but he's more of a coward than his subjects would like to beleive, also, the stormcloaks are by NO means racists nor bigots. There are a few, but thats just realistic, do any of you think that if they were a "nord-only" society that you could join the rebellion if your an alien to their land? No.. you also have to prove your loyalty (like on both sides) and leave your criminal past behind you (Jarl Ulfric wishes for a lawful, strengthed Skyrim, Honrable yes) and fight with valor in your steel, and truth in your hearts. And another point, if YOU were in Jarl Ulfrics shoes, and you were called a "racist" and beleived that argonians, mer, etc were REALLY spies, would YOU let them reside and open business in your city ? likely not. Personally, I respect both men, but Ulfric is arrogant and selfish, but a damn good military commander, along with Galmar Stone-Fist anyways, Jarl Ulfric consults all he can on the war. I call Jarl Ulfric arrogant, because his rebellion is going to destroy all of Tamriel. How you ask ? Simple, Aldermi domion is the bosmer and high elves, both deadly, high elves especially. During the white-gold concord in which the worship of Talos was banned, the empire handed over half of Hammerfell to the elves. The redguards were NOT happy about that at all, they rebelled, left the empire and when the elves came marching in, the redguards slaughtered them, and sent them home with their tails between their legs. The empire now only has High rock of the bretons and orcs, but high rock is half the size of Skyrim, they have the war ravaged cyrodiil. And if they lose Skyrim to Jarl Ulfric, there Empire, the only force possible of building up against the elves, will be useless, the redgaurds and Nords did the bulk of the fighting in the empires wars. Black marsh invaded morrowind more or less, the argonians are running rampant through the dark elves lands, killing aimlessly. Elyswer, the kajihiit, are undecided. Basically its thisAldmeri Dominion:Summerset Isles/High elves = Distached from the rest of the continent, cutting off foot attacks, like the orcs, the empires remaining Infantry force.High elves= Deadly magic, of all kinds, Cunning, One step ahead, over confident.Valenwood= Large jungled province, south of cyrodiil, neighboor to the kahjiit, cyrodiil is an easy target for the wood elves, with many forests to bunker down in, and many animals to command.Wood Elves= Controls animals, can bend the woods to their will, amazing marksmen that can drop targets from terrifying distances.Empire:Imperials=Well rounded, not much magic, more trade and melee combat than anything.Cyrodiil= Totally War ravagedHigh Rock=Neighboors with hammerfell, which is independent now, meaning the empire lost alot of military prowess. Neighboors With Skyrim, also Cyrodiil, if they try to attack High rock, they must travel through one of the three warrior nations (Cyrodiil would be rebuilt by that time the aldmeri dominion strikes next). So naturally guarded.Orcs=Raw melee killing power, Some magic resistance (according to oblivion) but no connection to attack the summerset isles, unless cyrodiil can dispatch its naval force (which it's been know for) to transport them to the shores of the high elves, but its hard to say if they'd make it that far.Bretons=Conjurers & healers mainly, an amazing asset, nearly doubles what the military is worth, summoning creatures, two per mage, triples the numbers there (keep in mind high rock is a small province, and split between two races) and healing the wounded men-at-arms and Bowmen.Skyrim= If lost, the Empire is easy pickings for the elves. Full of powerful nords, but will be a crumbled Empire, no matter who wins due to Jarl Ulfrics Arrogant but honorable rebellionBlackmarsh/Morrowind= In control of the argonians, they would make incredible allies to ambush the summerset isles, swin through the ocean to the elves shores, enter sewers, open castle gates, don't forget the shadow sclaes... but they aren't answering to anyone.Elyswer= The Kahjiit, Neutral, druglords, but incredible tacticans, and suited to perfectly dispatch all of valenwood, read mixed unit tactics for a brief telling of why.No leader is truly better than one another, Tullius isn't as intelligent as one would think, nor Jarl Ulfric as corageous. The longer the Civil war rages, the stronger the Elves get, and the weaker the empire, and once the empire is gone, nothing will stop the elves."A teacher was having a problem with two of her students, they always bickered and fought with each other, after class one day she showed them a flat stone, she asked them each what colour it was. one said black, the other shouted; No! its WHITE! the teacher then flipped the rock, revealing that it was black on one side, and white upon the other." Never be quick to rule an opinion or option out, always look for the other side of the stone.
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