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Everything posted by Coffee4Godot

  1. Personally, I find Photoshop easier to use than Gimp, but then again I haven't put much effort in learning Gimp. =p
  2. Any NPC is simple if you have the right levels and the right tactics. For nomad, I just did a youtube search and found a low level tutorial to melee him with ambush scrolls. Was able to do it with under level 80 melee skills.
  3. Got a slayer level and completed another quest. It was a fun one. However the other quests need heaps of levels. =\
  4. Today I got the two hunter levels I needed. Then completed the quest that required them.
  5. Got members. Finished two quests today. Time for a nap.
  6. Girlfriend has played for over 28 hours of Skyrim so far. She hasn't talked to me since she got it.
  7. Hey guys for those who remembered, last summer (for me atleast) I had a questing blog. From which, I achieved the quest cape, my first and only achievement cape, but since then more quests have came out and now I shall do them or die trying. As of now, there are 6 new quests. 2 of which I can do now and the other need training of certain skills, mining and agility is particular. Edit: Four down, two to go! Levels needed - 65 summoning (59) 74 smithing (71) 76 crafting (71) 77 agility (71) 74 thieving (71) I still have some of the images from my old blog and I shall keep them here....
  8. Good Idea. I could start up doing nature runes again. It can be. Slayer is really a skill that I only train when I need to. Love to. Or maybe I can do more solo KBD runs. XD
  9. Combat for cash. I'm not a merchant.
  10. Hey guys. I'm going P2P again. When I was last P2P I sold most of the equipment. So I have a sum of cash to spend on items. However I need to spent my money wisely, so I can make more money. It has been a long time since I was last P2P and unsure if my money making methods are still good for my level (see below). I spent most of my money making time at barrows when I was last P2P. So basically what should I kill? and what equipment should I buy? *note* I am on a budget here. I have 15mil to spend. I seemed to have kept some items. I have.. a whip, full guthans, helm of nezzy, staff of light, soul cape, dragon boots, dragon defender and barrow gloves.
  11. Hey all. I'm backI joined TRR last year, I had to quit TRR and runescape becuase of study. But I'm back. I think runescape is seasonal for me now. Ha!Last year I successfully completed all the quests (at 107cb). Once I get my members back. I plan on reclaiming my cape. I remember some old faces (or names rather) and to the new ones. Hi.
  12. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? Coffee4Godot Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 102 (ftp) Total: 1826 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? TG and TRR. Where did you hear about TRR? Tip.it. What were your first impressions of us? Whoo. Why do you wish to join our clan? Rejoining.
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