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  1. Welcome back internet I suppose... haha, but in all honesty, we can't do much until people start stepping up and attending events.
  2. Alrighty, but I believe we need some more practice in warring. I'm all for making a legit GWD team.
  3. Thanks I'll keep it in mind.
  4. I know there's a similar thread that's pinned at the top, but it seemed a little outdated. As the new events coordinator, I'd love to get some feedback on what you guys may enjoy as a clan - I'm coming from a different background; every clan I have been in has been high level warring/PK'ing clans, so i was wondering what you guys are interested in, both high level and not and I will try as hard as I can to schedule and fit in a big assortment of different events.Thanks for the feedback guysMentioned -God Wars
  5. http://users.telenet.be/glodenox/Charms/CharmPattern.htmlCheck this out - It'll tell you exactly what to make, how much xp you'll get with the charms you have, and how much money it will cost with tons of different options.I didn't make this, nor do I know who did. I found this a long time ago, book-marked it, and that's about it. Enjoy!
  6. Woo, good stuff. Time to turn this clan around for the better.
  7. No.. Only reason i'm doing a quest is for the rewards, and I just want those as quickly as possible lol.
  8. You should try training here, I've been maxed for years now but I feel like this would be good cmb xp/hr
  9. If i'm online i'll be there, have to check my work schedule though!
  10. Welcome to TRR! Hope you like it here!
  11. Agree'd all around haha. Been doing some staking, made about 65m in 15 minutes
  12. Yeah, it'll just make me appreciate those capes that much more.
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