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Bear Goldblade

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Everything posted by Bear Goldblade

  1. No I went with summer for their ancestor's wrath power & the destruction boost
  2. Although you cannot place other objects on them directly you can drop it on the floor put ur curser over it and hold A & move it up there.
  3. Be patient go out adventuring check back periodically they should just appear
  4. just started the jack of blades build from the character build archives

  5. The same thing happened to me I just went out adventuring & came kept coming back periodically & each piece appeared at different times. Just be patient & wait a little it should show up. It took me about a week (in real life)
  6. Dido Altmer rule. But the weird thing is: I don't like magic at all. Well other than restoration
  7. No skin tone does not effect your sneak ability you probably keep getting detected because you sneak level I sent very high
  8. I play on 360 & the same thing happened to me with my ancient falmer armor it sucked cause I couldent find it. But maybe check all the followers you've had. U could've accidentally gave it to one of them
  9. This happened to me once its just a bug. Try fast traveling in and out of the hold 5 times then check if that don't work then idk that's how I fixed mine
  10. No problem if u have any other questions I gave the legendary guide book
  11. That's odd I honestly don't know what to tell ya srry
  12. If you sided with the imperials which I'm assuming you did it does that I've had the same problem but it dident bother me because I have many profiles
  13. So I call him the Brawler Mage. I use destruction magic until the enemy's health is low the I take him or her out with a punch. I wear steel gauntlets and boots & adept robes & hood
  14. Hey all u Dragonborns being badass on PC I'm thinking about buying a PC to play Skyrim on. I've never been a PC gamer I've always played on 360. Does anyone know the minimum pc specs required to run Skyrim on PC
  15. i havent been on here very much lately cuz i just got Assassins Creed IV

  16. I've spent hours looking for a build that focuses on scrolls but can't seem to find any. So does anyone know of any.I really like the idea of scrolls but not the idea of magic please help
  17. So I exited pinewatch & started up the road. Then I was attacked by 3 Thalmor Justicers. I killed them & searched their corpses & found a letter that read. "Be on the lookout for a Breton called Staffer (me). He is an enemy to the Thalmor and has actively disrupted our activities and caused great harm. If spotted, you are to destroy him with extreme hatred. Be advised, he is extremely dangerous, and quite able to defend himself. If caught by local authorities, we are unable to offer you any assistance. For the glory of the Aldmeri Dominio!" Any I don't remember even seeing any thalmor until now
  18. So I play mostly as a ranger. My archery is on 86 & I want to train but when I talk to them the training option doesn't appear
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