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Bear Goldblade

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Everything posted by Bear Goldblade

  1. I have no idea what happens but I would like to know where that "crack" is so I can check it out
  2. I started a new character a while back. His name is Vicktor. I have somewhat of a back story for him: He grew up around mages and was always interested in magic. When he was of age he set out to join the College of Winterhold & was mistaken to be a Stormcloak and arrested by the Imperials. He was freed by a dragon........... After he joined the College he worked his way up through the ranks eventually becoming the Arch mage. Later on he decided he wanted to further his magical abilities so he joined the Volkhar vampires. I have finished the college quest & I don't know if I should go ahead and join the vampires or max out my destruction & enchanting first?
  3. I'm trying to create daedric boots & I have all the ingredients & put them in there the boots then appear in the middle of the forge but when I go to pick them up they're not in my inventory
  4. Bear Gold-Blade: Nord Grew up in Riften. When the city fell to hardship and plague, one of the diseases bwas Sanguine Vampiris. Bear contracted this disease when he was 22 years of age. All the other victims of the disease couldn't satisfy their hunger and died. Bear survived by feeding on the only people who weren't infected; which were the guards. He would sneak into the guard barracks at night and choose his victom. He then joined a group of feral vampires/theives. The leader of this group grew fond of Bear and when he was killed in a raid on Shors Stone Bear took over the group. One night after a raid on winterhold he was followed back to his lair in the ratway under Riften buby a solitude guard who was waiting out a blizzard on his way back to Solitude. The guard wiped out Bear's whole clan while they were slumbering. When he got to bears coffin he opened it and it was empty. As he turned around Bear drew his blade and decapitated the guard then took his armor and fed his corpse to the death hounds. He then purchased a home in Riften & named it honeyside.
  5. Sorry to hear that David. Ive got some sad news too. My Xbox broke so I can't play Skyrim
  6. My TV doesn't connect to internet I get on this sitewith my phone
  7. What's the best way to get your enchanting up. I wanna enchant my dragon bone battleaxe with chaos damage and absorb health
  8. One I named Lèvon Vón Nord Pants. The other I named Loghar Axe-Tamer
  9. I think alot of people would use it. It could send notifications to your phone when someone replies to a topic. U could post directly from the app. Plus it would be alot easier to access
  10. Can anyone tell me what the symbol on the left shoulder of the Guild masters armor. Maybe post a pic or something
  11. The skeleton key belongs in the twilight seplecur. I am a thief & I honor Nocturnal
  12. My #2 rule in Skyrim: never kill chickens. My #1 rule: never flee from a fight.
  13. Thanks buttons. My characters name is Sir Gargus btw, if u were wondering.
  14. I'm playing as kindof a holy knight. I kill anything unholy, I have a priest of mara as a follower. I was wondering if wearing dragon priest masks is somthing a holy knight would do.
  15. Is there any way I could get into the warehouse without breaking into it or joining the thieves guild?
  16. Well I was gonna just change my profile pic to him but it won't let me
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