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Bear Goldblade

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Everything posted by Bear Goldblade

  1. I have a character that's kinda a drauger deathlord. He uses necromancy and frost magic with an ebony sword. I even thought of an awesome name for him (Ysmar Ravencrone) I can't figure out if I should become a vampire lord or not. Please help ol' Gold blade
  2. Can u enter reeking cave without doing the main quest that involves the thalmor embassy
  3. OK I'm there now where's the stone of barenziah that's there
  4. Could someone please tell me where pine watch is I can't find it for the life of me. Like which hold would good cause I don't fast fast travel. Or the relative location. Thanks
  5. I have a profile that I'm on level 63 on and took me a very long time to get there because i had to play on adept the whole time. Now its getting a little too easy now so I wanna switch it to expert. But I wont let me. When I go into the settings screen I go to difficulty and switch to expert then exit the screen. When I pull the screen back up its on adept again. (I play on 360)
  6. All my friends have tried one and told me I should try it. I dont really get the point either. But if I'm gonna do it I dont wanna just jump right into it.
  7. What's a good heavy armored archer build (any links etc.) possibly with a crossbow. I like crossbows
  8. So I've decided to get the Dwarven Black Bow of Fate & I only have 1 resonance gem. I know how to get the others except the one in Nchardak. I was wondering if you have to do the dragonborn quest "the gardener of men" to get it
  9. Well I'm srry if I offended u buttons. Oh its Bear Goldblade btw
  10. Damn buttons u have alot of problems dont ya
  11. Does anyone know the history of the "Blackguard" I just recently got the blackguard armor ster from glover Mallory in raven rock & I have been trying to find out what the black guards were any links to websites explaining the history would be awesome. Goldblade
  12. Whats the fastest object I can enchant to get my skill up its on 83 now
  13. First of all you are disrespecting the 9 by stealing the offerings people leave there. I bet they cursed you
  14. I just found my very first sky rim character. He's a dunmer named Zirick he uses lightning & conjuration magic in his left hand & a daidric sword enchanted with soul trap & lightning damage but this is when I was really into fur armor. So what light armor would look best on him
  15. I just got a pet chicken & named it Delphine haha
  16. So I'm teaching my mom how to play sky rim today any suggestions
  17. im teaching my mom how to play skyrim

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  18. The one in falkreath hold also has a necromancer right behind it I like the one close to solitude because sometimes it rains and sometimes it snows & the sun is mostly always out
  19. When I get mad at something I just FUS RO DAH the hell out of it but it never works
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