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Vasay's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Could be from the timezone differences...
  2. Alching on the side always helps. Just check alchprices.com on what to buy.
  3. 6 am. I would've played, too :<
  4. It's nostalgic. I've made great friends on the game, and I've reached some goals, but for the most part, it's nostalgic. It's like coming home after ten years.
  5. Excuse me, I am, in fact, a girl.
  6. All I see are dudes. Females represent? Magneto spawn: The.. er.. shorter one? old:
  7. *Insert I-see-what-you-did-there face*
  8. Vasay


    Thanks for the warm welcome! Can anyone help me with this? I tried getting an IRC client (the add-on for Firefox) but it says I can't connect to the channel? Thanks in advance
  9. Happy birthday Void :D

  10. Vasay


    Hi there! First off, my real name is Lissi. I'm 16, and I'm epic-failwin on deviantArt (lolselfadvertising).I've been on RS for a good few years now, on and off because of school. I still feel like a noob every time I log on after a few months because of all the updates o.O lol.I'm from the Philippines, but I'll be moving to NY to study computer animation next year. I'm generally an insane....ly nice person, unless provoked. Repeatedly.So yeah Hello new clan mates! (btw, I have exams this week, so if I seem inactive, that's why )
  11. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? The Vasay Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: 70 Total: 732 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? Yes. I used to be in Zdzira. Where did you hear about TRR? A forum post on Zybez. What were your first impressions of us? It looks professional and active/updated. Why do you wish to join our clan? I'd like to join because I've been looking for a good, active clan lately. Though I do have school now, and my playing will be limited, I can definitely stay updated on the forums.
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