Wew.... but still 5% damage boost across the board for everything? that sounds like it should be the weapon of choice for a dedicated class ability spamming build. Just think of the silly things you can do >.> Anti vamp dk pyromancy comes to mind (with destro on the weapon swap to apply weakness and a form of magicka regen from burning your foe to death)
I was under the impression that there were only 2 execute effects: Assassin's Blade (and morphs) and Reverse Slash (and morphs). Executioner being here because it's damage can be increased by the target's missing hp and NOT due to it's passive dmg boost for 2h abilities during 'execute' health levels (but that is pretty nice to double dip). The 'deal more damage to low hp target' passives don't make things executes in my book since the damage boost is rather low (comparing quadruple damage to +10~20%) Gonna have to go back through and see if I find something else like assassin's blade or reverse slash.
Does the cycle of life's health requirement change as you level or is it based on a % of you're total hp? Cause 1% damage boost for every 20 hp when you have 2000 health... o.0 I'd just roll a nightblade spamming ambush and deathstroke on everything
Vampire players are considered undead right? So the Fighter's Guilds skill line is one giant "F-U VAMPS!" series? I assume werewolves would get affect only if someone had the specific passive in the skill line.
Your forgetting a few key things... the bags of salt or sand, the relative locations of moving water and the rules about permitted entry. on topic: I'm wondering if the % buff effects are additive or not in regards to how they stack.
And the research time is separate for each individual item? Like the first trait you learn for a sword will be 6 hours, but then you go and try to learn something on a dagger? will that be a 6 hour research or 12 hour?
I'm guessing someone really just only looked at esohead's info (which was mixing up stamina/magicka costs on a lot of stuff on top of missing the weapon requirements on most of the weapon ppassives).