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About Phily

  • Birthday 08/04/1993

Phily's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. 99 Magic99 FiremakingPreviously on Council
  2. Awards that I got: [*]Defence Mastery [*]Cooking Mastery [*]Woodcutting Mastery [*]Combat: Major [*]Total Level: 2000 [*]Questing: Indiana Jones [*]Skilling Oympics: 3rd Place (I got third place in one a long while back)
  3. Did you get your shirt off the internet? xD Cus i'd love to have one of those xD

  4. I have class every Tuesday so I basically won't ever be able to come to the weekly resource gathering though I will still try hard to get my 1k resources.
  5. Pro-furry, huh? I approve.
  6. I'd say you should get the crossbow for now since you already got one of the best melee weapons in the game so now you might as well get the best range weapon.
  7. Nelson. Start taking me with you. Next time I'll actually pray right and not get double speced again (even though I'm a hoss beast and lived through it)
  8. I make all my money from slaying which is slow as fuck when you have shitty luck.
  9. My best was an elite I got the day the game out. Got a dragon plate ornament which I traded for all the newest god cloaks. Basically it went from a 3m value to a 10m value.
  10. Seems like you need to have dozens and dozens of members all be active in it to actually get it built up effectively
  11. My favorite quest in the game was "Love Story." For some reason that is one of the only quests I found thoroughly enjoyable. That and the Void Knight Series. P.S. Have they added anything to that series after the quest that gives you Korasi's sword?
  12. Definitely beats the newest trailer in my opinion cause this one is actual gameplay
  13. I look at scenic items as a waste of money i.e. party hats, cloaks, those fance clothes, ect. ect.
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