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    Dublin, Texas
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    SKYRIM!!!!!!!!!! originally a huge D&D player, this is as close to my imagined world as humanly possible. LOVE IT!
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Good luck at the animation part.
  2. Sure I'll get on this soon. Unless you like 85's.
  3. What I usually do in my clan is have them tell me what character they want because if they give you an image chances are you'll have to render it out yourself.
  4. Wow I really didn't think I'd get this much appraise. I take a lot of pride in my signatures, but I know I can still get better.None-the-less thank you so much.
  5. Yeah just joined. I'm apart of Arisos. I run all the events over there. @Stuart- Thanks I'll try that. I've just gotten into a habit of doing text due to all the signatures I make for my clan.
  6. Thank you so much. Glad you like 'em.
  7. Here's some signatures I've made recently.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C608G6y_bhU&feature=youtube_gdata
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