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Everything posted by BigSteel

  1. Like a double-barrel shotrgun. Boom boom, both keys delivered.
  2. + 15% experience in Sword and Shield + 3%, +6%, +9% stealth detection (doesnt work wihile stealthed) + 1%, +2% healing done on others + 2%, +4% gold drop
  3. Digital Imperial Edition But it cost me 1¢ more then the regular edition. 60.00/59.99
  4. I dont want to scare too many people off... the toggle does take up a skill slot. Which will have an impact.
  5. We are talking group pvp. Gonna be a tough road to counter that.
  6. Magelight will be everywhere. 12 meter radius. Maybe not in 1-on-1 quite as much, but certainly in groups.
  7. I think the Sorc will be the only class better at solo. Skillfull players, such as yourself, will handle larger group pulls better then most. Pets, Long StunMez, Big Damage at Range, AoE root, Health Bubble and their own Execute (Assassin Blade/Mages Fury) as a top finisher. Ive also heard that Daedric Mines are the bomb, literally. Almost silly. Though I dont know for sure. But 5 mines that total 65 AoE dam at lvl 1 that also keep AoE rooting.
  8. Is everything that uses magika considered a spell? Is their any difference between an "ability" and a spell or a weapon skill? When using a Destruction Staff "spell" does the inherent damage of the staff itself make a difference to how much the spell does? (example: Wall of Elements: Fire does 2 damage x2 for a toal of 4 damage despite using 53 magica. Or half of your initial mana bar.) Its pretty incredibly low for Destruction spell. But if it was modified by the Staff itself, then it would make sense.
  9. This info was so excellent and so appreciated... I registered an account just to say thanks.... THANK YOU!
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