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Everything posted by BigSteel

  1. Really should register an account. 1) Its an Assasination ability that is a temporary buff (17 secs after hitting hotkey) will persist even if you switch weapon bars. 2) Yes it makes your default mouse attacks (left mouse button) go off faster. 3) No. Needs to be Death Stroke (U), Assassins Blade or Teleport Strike that does the final point of damage. i.e. You cant "bow" them down with Haste going and get restore buff.
  2. Thats beautiful to hit the 50% mark. For both large scale PvE and PvP. Your teammates will love you.
  3. I see no reason why they wont adjust the mitigation and cap... so as to assure an even use of armor selections across the board. Just like every other game they will have the stats showing the %'s being used. Adjustments will quickly be made to keep each at 25+% .
  4. Not on the PVE kills I had, they would be dead and never got up with Silver Bolts.
  5. Silver Bolts is so OP against the right targets. I could spam kill a single monster with it laying on the ground the entire time from knockdown. *Poison arrow also includes your weapon damage (bow in hand) which isnt shown.
  6. Some will be massively advantageous irons. Those will be used without question. Like that one. It will aid in a players kill-reaction time. Youd be a fool to not utilize it if its in game. That's not for you to question. You are wrong in methodology, thats why you make it personal. ftr, Ive been doing every MMOs since UO, its just the damn truth. These types of UI options will literally have a seperation of "have" and "have nots". Many will never fall into the "have not" despite the element being game changing.
  7. That really sucks on so many levels.
  8. 9am Pacific (cali) and noon/12pm Eastern (new york) Friday. Friday, February 28th at 12:00PM EST
  9. Not really, I will be forced to use whatever is the most advantageous UI elements. Anything less would be a disservice and definite shortcoming on my characters output.
  10. Thats because they ruined world PvP in WoW, with that first BG patch.
  11. excellent good sir, tyvm.
  12. Was pretty OP. Cap'd almost anybody's armor and resistance.
  13. Momentum is (on average) 20% damage increase for weapons for 20 seconds! You can even switch bars and use it.
  14. No sweat. I just saw a new PvP video of a person using it and the Skill Highlight said +26%.
  15. In the last beta it was 30%. And on Esohead it shows 24%.
  16. Press corresponding hotkey (toggle on) and they stay, provided you have enough resources. Must be on your current bar to stay active.
  17. Staffs = Resistance. And all Weapon Skill actives using stamina = armor.
  18. Yes, buffs and debuffs with timers remain. Toggles and Summons deactivate. My Lightning Form, Daedric Curse, Encase and Rune Prison did not care about my weapon bar. My Unstable Familiar, Winged Twilight and Magelight would deactivate.
  19. I find this backwards - in most cases. If you have more stamina, then you have 1 (at minimum) CC break every fight. Plus you can still greatly utilize your stamina skills because you will have a big pool (100-50%=50stam, 200-50%=100stam). And then you will still supplement with a magika cast and utilize an ability or two (incl 2nd hotkey bar). You also regen stamina faster if you have a bigger pool and likely to have some bonus regen also, in combat nothing refills as fast as stamina.
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