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Everything posted by BigSteel

  1. PUBLIC DUNGEONS of value make a return to MMO PvP. Hopefully get some raid-esque sized dungeons that are public as well. Lay down the law and hold/fight/lose that stuff that is sublimely important.
  2. Khajits +critical melee hit does not effect bows. But the +damage does.
  3. The closed PTS beta guys are all keeping that info secret (as per their NDA). But I believe that ESOHead said they might drop that information when it goes live. The small beta folks only get to see a couple zones.
  4. Did you click the "spoiler" box to open it up? I can see it just fine. Here is the direct link addy http://s27.postimg.org/by0f7krpt/Mondus_St_Cy.jpg copy/paste into your browsers address bar, should work.
  5. WARNING, big spoiler. Avert your eyes if you want to explore and find them...
  6. it wont fill you level 20 ones? the level 20 ones rez people in cyrodiil. oh well, no biggie.
  7. This should also allow access to the 2nd tier of the 4-man PVE dungeons. Woot woot!
  8. During this test, you will have access to the following areas: Khenarthi’s RoostAuridonGrahtwoodStros M’KaiBetnikhGlenumbraStormhavenBleakrock IsleBal FoyenStonefallsDeshaanCyrodiilWhich goes to about level 25.
  9. Pretty sure Unbalanced is when you see a NPC/player who is wobbly and has a circle (like cartoon birds) going around his head. That means he wont do anything for about 1.5 seconds and you can use an "exploit" maneuver on him (both mouse buttons) and knock him down and stun him for about an addition 3-4 seconds at the cost of a wee bit of stamina and an almost instant animation graphic.
  10. Congratulations! What card did you get? I just increased to 16 gigs of ram yesterday and will be getting a new vid card in short order.
  11. 1) You can switch any skills out at anytime you are in combat. But as a "basis" people pick either PvP or PvE and show what they are doing -- typically PvP is thought to be higher importance. Typically one bar is SINGLE target PvP, and then the other can be buffs - or AOE - or Heals - or a switch from range to melee. In PvP you will find many differing situations. So you will become flexible as to exactly what you are facing. 2) Red = Dead. If you can see them you can kill them. Cyrodiil zone is very big and takes lots of traveling. Though apparently you can cross realm friends/guildies into the same dungeons. 3) Block is holding down right click, yes. I think Block is 35% for non-shield types and 55% for shield users. A few skills can increase this though... 1) Sword & Board +10/20%. 2) Always lower projectile damage 8/16% if blocking or not. 3) Draconic Power +5/10%. So you could have 85% and 101% vs Projectile.
  12. I actually like how they worked, it only showed when you got within 50 feet or so.
  13. Pretty sure they nerfed the armor part of that spell. Its been adjusted on the PTS.
  14. Loved Darktide. :chubby: Maybe the best mmo game setting ever. Too bad for the hacks and diplomacy leveling zerg.
  15. Hey Bones and Gannicus, did you guys recently come together as a guild from differing paths? I ask because our core people have been playing together for a long time and I dont know of BT off the top of my head. Were you always a group on PvE servers? Our peeps have been playing on all PvP servers since UO. (Baja,Cheesepeak, Rallos, Sullon, Darktide, Morgana, et al) and its always cool to see/meet team up with people who are older and been through a ton of stuff. That accomplishment almost requires people who are 38+ and typically in their 40s. Though we are like drunken sailors in voice chat and treat each other like real life brothers treat one another... sometimes its ugly and rude, buts its always funny.
  16. No, he shows his numbers in a youtube video. He hadn't hit the cap yet. His Crystal Fragments went from 550 to 565 with 20 extra points spent. As I stated, the developers are perfectly aware of the tiny boost.
  17. http://diablo.incgamers.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/worstui.jpg
  18. Some keen updates. They seem to listen to the players and are churning out developments. http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/1zluwg/0181_patchnotes/ A BIG one is that Armor Enchants/Traits that raise health now raise health an additional 50%. Which means spending your Attribute points only into health no longer provides the best benefit for getting various things to a cap (soft or hard). As the difference between enchantments and attributes has been modified. I also believe they stated "health picks" have been reduced. Which I think they mean Attributes. In which case it may be 15 instead of 20 for each point. Increased starting bank size by 30. Increased starting Inventory size by 10. Bolt Escape now decreases out-of-combat magicka recovery for 4 seconds. Which is to prevent Elder Scroll returns being too fast in Cyrodiil.
  19. I know Nybling (an ongoing beta tester at Entropy Rising) said that at level 50, twenty points of Magicka increased the damage of his Sorcerer spells 5%. Accordingly that would be 0.25% per point (a quarter of one percent). Most, however, do expect that number to get amplified a bit by the developers though. As they have made mention that they are aware of the small return.
  20. The boost of damage from stamina/magicka is minimal. They real boost comes from having enough of those resources to utilize your skills in a manner you find comfort with. As an early character I would advise getting whatever helps you level. When you reach 50 you will then respec attributes to whatever you want at that time. Your character wont be weaker at all. I'd look at health firstly (like 4-5 points) and then maybe a few into whatever you find yourself using most of. It could, in fact, be a bit into both stamina and magicka. Templar I find to be very straightforward and easy to use. And powerful as such. They aint tricky, but they are deadly. Heavy is fine. Redguard is dandy. 2H is good and Bow as a secondary is terrific #2 for your build.
  21. Whats that? Heavy Resolve has 3% x 7 pieces = 21%. That's 71% of the soft cap? No way. What about light armor that has 8% x 7 pieces = 56%?
  22. 1) Separate. Its an additional fire damage. 2) Yes. Fire, provided its a fire spell. Like Altmers boost damage to fire/cold/lightning effects, but not magic effects. Dunmer increase all fire even further. 3) Fire.
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