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Entersyed's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Level based 75 Magic 60 Attack Defence and strength 50 in everything else Quest based Complete DT Complete Monkey Madness Complete hero's quest Start legends quest.
  2. Changed from Tomas da Tan to EnterSyed.
  3. Agility is useful, but it's extremely tedious to train, so I would like the idea of making it more fun to level. Firemaking however is useless until you get to really high levels and tedious to train, needs a total rework.
  4. I like that idea.We would need to make sure that we bring a few lower level people as that would show that we accept all levels.
  5. The Room is the greatest and worst film ever simultaneously

    1. bgs1977


      I've thought that for over a year. :D

    2. Blakelington


      I object! Have you ever seen Eraserhead? shit is crazy O.o

    3. bgs1977


      But that's a good film, isn't it?

      Troll 2 has the Best Worst Movie title officially, both Troll 2 and The Room are equally terrible and amazing. I prefer The Room a bit more, though.

  6. Congrats guys, and good luck at your positions.
  7. I'm guessing you can link to Amazon UK?I'm gonna build a new gaming PC and buy the parts VIA Amazon so I'll be sure to support the cause
  8. Currently, Enter Shikari-Common Dreads
  9. Agility training is extremely tedious

    1. David


      Tell me about it, probably my least favorite skill.

  10. Enter Shikari would be my favourite band. Skream or Benga would probably come a close second. Though I'll happily listen to anything. Don't really like the idea of genres, it makes people say "I hate X because they're a certain genre."
  11. I was 30 something at the time.
  12. Was fun, I was the lowest level there, but I got a kill (and nearly got 2).Died pretty quickly though.
  13. Thanks for the intro.I play inside centre.
  14. Entersyed


    Hi, I'm Tim.I'm not really the most confident person, you could probably thank years on end of video gaming for that. I like retro gaming (namely the Sega Megadrive, or genesis as the americans call it).I play a lot on the PC, but not many consoles.I'm crap at most sports, except Rugby.I play a lot of Synths and my favourite synthesizer is the Korg R3.Played Runescape on and off with 2 previous accounts and made my current account when I was about 7 or 6 (hence the misspelling of "Thomas").Not sure what else to say about me
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