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Yeah some of those rocks need to be removed as an option but one of them is actually viable for wars but only because it is near other tankable places. Rc Gloves need to be added to the glove section of this picture but other than that it seems all good. Thanks I plan on updating this as soon as I have some real time.
Clan Warring Guide Warning: This is an old guide and the gear recommended is pre-dung gear. I will update it soon. This guide is to teach the basics of clan wars and is divided primarily into 3 sections with sub-sections. [*]Tactics [*]Commands and Maneuvers [*]Tanking [*]Gear and Invintory [*]General Info [*]Considering Gear [*]Sample Pictures [*]Other Important Info Tactics Commands and Maneuvers *Note; 'TRR' is The RuneScape Rebels' initials. Other clans will use their own clan initials.* Pilling: (Abbreviation: trr name) Refers to the whole or majority of the clan attacking one opponent. this is a must use tactic. Pile Switching: (Abbreviation: trr name) This is when the clan leader tells the clan to switch from attacking one opponent to another to catch them off guard normally done to hybriders to get a quick ko. Death Dot: (Abbreviation: dd) Refers to the whole clan standing on a single space so that there is one dot. this is normally only used at the start of clan matches of if the clan needs to regroup. Fall In: (Abbreviation: fi trr) Refers to when the leader wants to get everyone back together to start a new pile or reorganize. When the leader says this you are to click-follow them. Tanking: (Abbreviation: none) Refers to when a player, who is being piled, using hugging and dragging maneuvers to extend their life periods. Do not do this if you are just being sniped (meaning only one person is attacking you) ether just let it happen if it isn't hurting you or tell the leader so they can execute an anti-snipe. (For More on tanking See the Tanking sub-section.) Anti-Tanking: (Abbreviation: none) Refers to when a player who is pilling clicks around the hugged object in order to neutralize the effect caused by tanking. This can be difficult and is not recommended for those who are inexperienced at wars. Sniping: (Abbreviation: name s name) Refers to when a player is told by the leader of the war to go and attack a non-piled player in order to lower their food and/or prayer. Does not just apply to rangers as many believe. Note first name in abbreviation is taken out if you have set snipers. Anti-Sniping: (Abbreviation: name as name) Refers to when a player is told by the leader of the war to go and attack a player who is sniping in order to get them to stop sniping. This is normally done by a higher level player so that the sniping player is deterred from their goal. Note first name in abbreviation is taken out if you have set snipers. Tanking Tanking is a very important part of clan wars. This is because it allowes you to live longer while and therefore give our clan more time to be offencive. First lets redefinine tanking and then add a bit more too it... Tanking: (Abbreviation: none) Refers to when a player, who is being piled, using hugging and dragging maneuvers to extend their life periods. Do not do this if you are just being sniped (meaning only one person is attacking you) ether just let it happen if it isn't hurting you or tell the leader so they can execute an anti-snipe. [*]Hugging: Refers to when a player, who is tanking, who goes around and around an object in order to get their attacking opponents stuck on the other side of the object. [*]Dragging: Refers to when a player, who is tanking, sprints off from one hugged object to a new huggable object in order to prolong the time period for which they are not being attacked. Now the following are some pictures of huggable locations and the routes that you can take around them. (refrence the legend, the first picture, if you need to know where the picture was taken at in clan wars classic.) Yellow location Orange location Green location Cyan location Blue location Purple location Red location (Read Warning) NOTE: Do not use the red location unless it is absolutly necissary because it is located away from the other huggable location! Also note that you can go around either direction with the rocks, but I only showed one direction! Now then when dragging you should be very careful. You should only drag in a direction that will keep your opponents hugged for as long as possible while you run and you should only run if most of your oppostion is stuck otherwise you are wasteing your run energy. Gear and Invintory General Info Things to remember: Some things to remember when setting up your inventory... *Cape: Must be Clan's team cape. Very few exceptions to this see Leaders section. *Amulet: The amulet of power is always the best choice because it covers all defenses, attacks, prayer, and strength. *The Explorer ring is the only f2p ring with any bonuses. It has magic and a pray bonus and also lets you restore your run energy. *Allways have an elemental staff or an rcing staff (if you have one this is prefered) to tank with as it adds to your def especially for mage which will help prevent you from being binded by the opposing clan. *If not meleeing it is still a very good idea to keep at least a rune plate body in your inventory because if you do not you will be pilled and killed faster than if you did. *When ranging and maging, rune full helms (or other full helms) can be worn to increase your defense but they will hurt your accuracy. *When ranging it is sometimes adviceable to use just green d'hide top and then the rest as rune especially when you have a high range level because you can still hit well like this but you will be able to tank faster and waste less food on hybriding gear. *Pots: If you are meleeing in a war you should defiantly take one strength pot with you as it will get the most out of your hits but I would not recommend more than one because it will take up too much room for food. *Food: Anchovie pizzas are the best food in f2p as they heal the most per invintory space. They should be eaten from the bottom right corner of your invintory up as that way they will stay in the same spot when you click them a second time to eat the second half of the pizza. Now if your still not fully comforitable with eatting just pizzas, the following is an equation method for finding a decent ratio of pizzas to swordfish for your invintory.Therefore depending on your defense level you may want to use more or only a few swordfish when you war. If you have no idea how much you should use here is a method you can use that I came up with. OK out of the 28 inventory spots you have at least a tanking weapon so that makes it really 27. Divide that by 9 and you get 3 now a good way to set your inventory is to take your defense level divided by 11 rounded to the nearest whole number times 3 is how many anchovy pizzas you should take with you and the rest is swordfish. You don't have to use that method but it is a good way to do it if you can't decide or you can just take all swordfish. Considering Gear Melee: Here are the basic guidelines for melee armor for wars. Head: 1.) Rune Full Helm, 2.) Other Body: 1.) Rune Plate Body, 2.) Other Legs: 1.) Rune Plate Legs/Skirt, 2.) Other Shield: 1.) Rune Berserker Charged, 2.) Rune Kite, 3.) Rune Spike Charged, 4.) Other Feet: 1.) Combat/Colorful boots, 2.) Leather boots Hands: 1.) Rune Gauntlets/ Other Gauntlets, 2.) RCing Mage Gloves, 3.) Security gauntlets Weapons: 1.) Rune Weapons (scimitar primarily), 2.) Other Range: Here are the basic guidelines for range armor in wars. Head: 1.) Green D Hide Coif, 2.) Coif, 3.) Leather Coif Body: 1.) Green D Hide, 2.) Studded Leather Legs: 1.) Green D Hide Chaps, 2.) Studded Leather Chaps Arrows: 1.) Addy, 2.) Mith, 3.) Ect. Feet: Leather Boots Hands: Green D Hide Vamps, 2.) Leather Vamps Weapons: 1.) Maple Short/Long Bow, 2.) Willow Short/Long/Comp Bow Mage: Here are the basic guidelines for mage armor in wars. Head: 1.) Runecrafting, 2.) Combat, 3.) Druidic, 4.) Uncharged Druidic/Combat or Wizards Hat, 5.) Other Body: 1.) Runecrafting, 2.) Combat, 3.) Druidic, 4.) Uncharged Druidic/Combat or Wizards Top, 5.) Other Legs: 1.) Runecrafting, 2.) Combat, 3.) Druidic, 4.) Uncharged Druidic/Combat, 5.) Monk Robes or Leather Chaps *Do Not Use The Normal Magic Bottoms They Don't Help!!!! Shield: 1.) Rune Berserker Charged or Rune Kite, 2.) Rune Spike Charged or Rune Sq, 3.) Anti-Dragon, 4.) Other Feet: Leather Boots Hands: 1.)Runecrafting, 2.) Security Guantlets Weapons: 1.) Elemental Staff (any), 2.) Magic Staff, 3.) Staff Hybriding: (more than one attack style) When Hybriding it is good to consider all aspects of the war including if your hybriding will be worth the amount of food you will have to sacrifice to hybrid. *It is never a good idea to hybrid magic and range! You use up lots of inventory space and if you do not have melee armor you will be pilled quickly and koed. Don't Do This. *Hybriding is very dangerous once the enemy knows you have magic or range abilities you will be marked as a danger and a high priority target. *Binding is a form of hybriding where you only switch over to magic robes to cast the bind spell on the opponent being pilled. *If you are binding with in a war do not run in your robes unless absolutely necessary as the other clan my spot this, perform a pile switch and quickly ko you. *When binding charged druidic armor is the best because it increases your chance of binding successfully. Other Important Info First of all when a war is declared to be mid bounds, that means that you can not leave the middle of the arena here is a picture showing mid bounds surrounded by a red box for clan wars classic (which is where you normally see it). Also make sure you set the caller to the main leader of the war before the war starts. Ty for reading this guide. Happy Warring
Magic, Def, and total 1800+ and also should i just be a member or a warlord cause you guys gave me award but didn't change title.
Alright guys that was a really good first clan wars practice. Hopefully I'll get to go home soon and get my guide that I wrote a while back for the clan so we can re-post it since it got deleted (not pointing fingers). Tonight I was able to show people how tanking is especially important in f2p clan wars so that was really good. I hope to make this a weekly event soon although i might change days and what not so we will see what the future holds. this is a pic of the people who were there for the final war. Thanks for coming guys =D
Clan Wars Date: June 12, 2012 @ 10pm Eastern Location: World 8 Clan wars Notes: We will hop from there this is jut the meeting point Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 3:00 A.M. [/td] 2:00 A.M. [/td] 10:00 P.M. [/td] 9:00P.M. [/td] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert". Alright I will be running a clan wars event today where I will talk about tactics and the likes of clan warring. this will be a f2p event. Sorry for the last minute notice.
lol I hate range. but i'll get it up after i max melee
alright thats 3 for attack so far but one of you forgot to vote lol
Alright i'm going to get another 99 Combat skill out of these three which one do you think i should get first? All votes are appreciated. I will leave this up for the weekend and then I'll decide on a skill and post how I plan to get my next 99 =D thanks.
Well like I said it got worse couldn't even get to the main screen now so I took it into a shop hopefully they can fix it but hopefully I'll be on for the war.
Sadly it's already gotten worse so I have to take it in for repairs.
My laptop stopes working last night so I don't know when I'll be on again going to try and be on for the war though. If you have any ideas on how to fix it let me know. It isn't registering the mouse, mouse pad, or mouse button on my laptop.