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Everything posted by Y YELD

  1. so far i only have one person that i invited :/
  2. every body should post a reply on the day school starts for them. for me its september 2nd
  3. ive noticed our clan chat members have been decreasing for some reason. i tried to advertise on 4 of my accounts for like 3 hours. the more people we have the more people will come
  4. trying to recruit people for this clan

  5. im gonna max out in the citadel today

  6. for members on this clan chat think y yeld and mr 99 atk are different people...........there not i changed my runescape name to mr 99 atk
  7. welcome to the clan your going to fit right in:)
  8. Y YELD


    thank you both it was imageshack i was looking for
  9. is there a website to convert an image into something u can put on forums?
  10. ur definently going to be accepted just wait for one of the higher ranks to do so il contact them right now
  11. my user name is MR 99 ATK i need a invite to clan plz
  12. Y YELD

    my clan cape

    where do i get my clan cape from can one of u guys add me my user name is --MR 99 ATK
  13. no i left i even posted it on there forums
  14. RuneScape Name: MR 99 ATK Forum Name: Y YELD Combat Level: 110 (115 with summoning) Total Level: 1408 Your Timezone: Eastern How You Found Us: When my clan (tds) was raped by yours Previous Clans: tds,fl First Impressions:looks awesome
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