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Everything posted by Y YELD

  1. overall which game is better battlefield or modern warfare?i like modern warfare better
  2. did you create this? not bad.
  3. is this the holloween event?
  4. 99 atk-1500 total-115 combat-
  5. i have a few achievements but i dont know how to add medals to my award bar \
  6. [b]What is your primary RuneScape account's name? The arisens, im gonna change it bak to mr 99 atk Your account's combat and total/overall level?[/b] Combat: - 120 Total: - 1501 [b]Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?[/b] this clan,arisens, then back to this clan permenently [b]Where did you hear about TRR?[/b] former clan mate [b]What were your first impressions of us?[/b] organized [b]Why do you wish to join our clan?[/b] there is a alot of activity in this clan i want back in
  7. im currenty in the arisens, but the clan isnt as active as i thought it would be. i thinking about joining back into this clan'-i hope im not posting in the wrong forum -.-
  8. recently ive tried to move clans but it wouldnt let me i would like be a clan friend and not a member. plz take me off the runehead member list thank you,
  9. Y YELD

    lol banned

    that was my pure that was banned oops forgot to put the name here a re picture \
  10. Y YELD

    lol banned

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. wats the difference between a community member and a member?
  12. wtf some of your clan member said im aloud to join a community clan and a war clan
  13. lol u guys are all suckers, i just came in this clan its too early to leave -i just joined a war clan though. im gonna stop fooling around though before you guys kick me out of the clan
  14. Sorry for the Short notice but I will be leaving rs rebels. There is a chance I might return in the future. So until then farewell.:/
  15. but isnt he a rebel in the cartoons...?
  16. my image is on my signiture, took me 7 min, didnt put much work into it
  17. nah im putting all this random shit so i could be on the leader board lol
  18. i nolifed on the computer today. wat a waste of a day especially thinking i was going to be accepted as a coucil member
  19. i dont get it how did i get -1 reputation? i posted an image of players trying to report me for inviting them to our clan. they thought it was a keylogger, was it because of that someone explain
  20. get it hes a rebel. ART BY ME
  21. i was looking at clan mates profile and i noticed a reputation thingy how do you get it
  22. im trying to master photo shop my self pm me some tips
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