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Everything posted by Thal

  1. I just checked my client - NO patch for me? My client is not detecting any need to patch even if I click the "Check for Updates" tab. So I don't know what patch you are actually talking about DanGer lol.
  2. Another 21gb patch?? Okay thanks for the heads up. Maybe we can expect another beta weekend in the next couple of weeks...
  3. Guys before everyone starts getting disappointed or freaking out - the beta stats for pvp were all standardised.The beta pvp therefore allows us NO TRUE INDICATION of real lvl 50 stats or gameplay.It did not matter what your real level was.Your stats were all the same.This was done on purpose because it was a beta where they intended you to trial your actives and be all on equal ground. It is NOT indicative of the real in-game pvp that we will have at launch. Your stats WILL be properly dfifferent in pvp at launch.
  4. There are indeed some. However, these are only available as traits on weapons and have been massively reduced since last beta. The most recent beta had +6% weapon attack speed as max craftable trait on a one-handed weapon (and I believe this is 12% on two-hander).
  5. For all those concerned about the numbers here, take this into account as well from testing:1700 Spell Resistance is already in Overcharged territory. I am not sure if the value for overcharged armour is the same but most likely is. So in the end of the day, someone in light armour plus a single armour buff skill = better mitigation than someone who is in heavy armour without buffs. (For example, immovable provides 1000 armour and spell resistance at lvl 50). Hence I believe heavy armour is mostly useless unless you plan to have no mitigation buff spells on your bar or unless you really want to make the most of blocking and the immovable skill.Another example:If you have 850 base spell resistance and add 1000 from immovable buff, this would normally equal 1850 spell resist.However, it is already in overcharge amount therefore in-game it actually only gives 1720 spell resist in total due to soft cap.This is likely to hold true for armour value, therefore, in top light armour gear plus one buff is enough to put you above top heavy armour gear. I do not agree with such a system but that what it is at the moment... How much over the soft cap you can go without being penalised on stats too extremely is hard to say yet. Someone in heavy armour with spiked armour as well may not be gaining hardly any mitgation seeing that the soft cap is fairly brutal in my opinion. Of course, if we knew what those numbers equated to in terms of mitigation percentages - we'd know more accurately if adding armour buffs on top of heavy armour is worthwhile at all.
  6. I noticed the same thing. Not sure what its intended function is however, sorry. I would however use your purchase order code on your pre-order on the account you used for beta in case there are some long-term "for the record" effects (which could be beneficial). I know I did. For whatever game you are talking about of course...
  7. Yes, you can sign-in with your beta account to the website and use your pre-order code from your purchase on that account. It won't make you redownload the beta client - I know because I pre-ordered and used the account I made for Beta and I have not been made to redownload the beta client.
  8. 2 weeks early access; Mount; cool costumes; pets; 5 free skill points on every character start
  9. I hope you're right man. I really want another beta and hopefully a lvl 50 one this time so we can finally discover all the morphs to the skills! They did say betas would be more frequent closer to launch; I'm hoping they keep their word on that...
  10. They've let the media talk about it and discuss their "hands-on" experience with older builds of the game - right around July last year. They too could only post about their experiences under rules given by Zenimax, but it was a media-only affair. I believe strongly that this is going to be a similar scenario. To answer the question though, no I have not seen explicit information stating there will not be a lift of the NDA this Friday. However, I cannot say there really exists the slightest hint that the public will have their NDA lifted either - this article to me makes no such suggestion. In fact, I would bet that there will be no public NDA lift at all this Friday and would be willing to bet that if I was wrong, I would turn up to work naked for losing that bet.
  11. Did you not even read the one comment that happens to be mine under this post??? The linked article says, and I quote, "Since the embargo on our coverage doesn't lift until 10am on Friday, you'll have to come back then." This is only referring to the restriction on a game reviewers ability to write an article on the game, not to the beta NDA itself. The NDA will not be lifted this Friday. However, if you want to throw every screenshot, video and information you've picked up from your own beta experience anyway - I will welcome it lol.
  12. No, he is referring to his own ability to write an article on the experience he and, likely, other game review site members, have been given specifically by Zenimax so they can release some info on the game soon to get hype up.This won't affect the normal beta player's NDA unfortunately.In fact, I am not even excited at the prospect of some article releases because we essentially know they will report on the basics of the game, its look, how it feels, etc and for us who have interests like "what morph will skill X have" - we are going to be utterly bored by their news since it will likely be stuff that is either too basic or already known to us anyway.
  13. Good find, David!I do also have to agree - given their own statements about why they charge so much for the game, this additional content for paying more for the base game is ridiculous.Cannot wait to see how much money could be spent on in-game store on top of the expensive subscription. You can just tell that there may be in-game store stuff that will be highly tempting and only acquired through purchase (like this Imperial Bullshit). Who knows, they may even go back on free DLC in the future - after all, this imperial thing is dlc content in a way... P.S. Would probably buy just so I can have a horse early on lol.
  14. I too will be placing preference on Stamina in my build. (I've finally decided upon my build as of last night).However, I won't be neglecting magicka entirely and still will be placing some attribute points and some amount from gear enchantments into increasing my magicka pool.Whilst stating that, I also feel inclined to mention that your choice of armour (and thereby of armour passives) can be at odds with your stat or attribute choice (e.g. medium armour but placing more attribute and enchants into magicka) so it's not necessarily just a matter of which "stat".Ultimately though, I concur very much so with TheoryExpert concerning the fact that if you do not utilise both resources, given the utility of class skills, in the best or most efficient way you can achieve, you will not have a very successful build. Making the very most of both your resource pools to use abilities of both natures will likely be key to victory, especially in PvP. Of course, that is much much easier said than done. Keep in mind too that you don't overestimate the utility of dodge, sprint and block. They have a role to play in some builds but in some builds stamina may prove better used if reserved almost entirely for certain abilities. But again, that is highly dependent on the aim of your build. Some people may tell you that complete reliance on magicka may be possible in this game, but I am wagering that given the information known to us so far, there will be plenty of foreseeable downfalls to such builds too - just as a build that ignores magicka entirely would have its failings.
  15. Unfortunately, at the moment, I am not a great source for morphs beyond what is already listed in the database and google spreadsheet. I do know the morph options of Piercing Javelin however if you were interested in that one. I don't believe that one's morphs are listed anywhere...Sign up though so it's easier to keep you in the loop and I can PM that morph option.
  16. Hey all, I know many people are interested in the real costs of these skills at both lvl 1 and lvl 50 so that they can compare their worth in their theory crafting and build making. The skills database and google spreadsheet don't give the proper lvl 1 values so it has been frustrating for some people to work these skills into their builds properly. So here are the answers, hope it helps! Mages Guild Skills: Magelight lvl 1 = 28 magicka lvl 50 = 224 magicka Entropy lvl 1 = 35 magicka lvl 50 = 280 magicka Fire Rune lvl 1 = 53 magicka lvl 50 = 424 magicka Equilibrium lvl 1 = N/A lvl 50 = N/A FIghters Guild Skills: Silver Bolts lvl 1 = 42 stamina lvl 50 = 336 stamina Circle of Protection lvl 1 = 35 stamina lvl 50 = 280 stamina Expert Hunter lvl 1 = 42 stamina lvl 50 = 336 stamina Trap Beast lvl 1 = 49 stamina lvl 50 = 392 stamina Undaunted Skills: Blood Altar lvl 1 = 56 magicka lvl 50 = 448 magicka Trapping Webs lvl 1 = 46 magicka lvl 50 = 368 magicka Inner Fire lvl 1 = 42 magicka lvl 50 = 336 magicka Bone shield lvl 1 = 49 magicka lvl 50 = 392 magicka Necrotic Orb lvl 1 = 60 magicka lvl 50 = 480 magicka PvP Skills: Support Skills: Purge lvl 1 = 36 magicka lvl 50 = 288 magicka Siege Shield lvl 1 = 42 magicka lvl 50 = 336 magicka Assault Skills: Rapid Maneuver lvl 1 = 46 stamina lvl 50 = 368 stamina Caltrops lvl 1 = 46 stamina lvl 50 = 368 stamina Of course, everything is still subject to change but these values are of Jan 2014 ESO Beta.
  17. * Edited original post - Fixed small error with Ability cost equation
  18. Hey all, Corrections have been made and edited into the post now - so everything should hopefully be correct. And a note of thanks to Hans for corrections he supplied has been made at the end as well. As Hans also replied, I too believe this trait is implied to be a multiplier effect and not a direct + X to crit rating as you would be right, if it were the latter it would definitely be extremely overpowered. So should just mean if you have 20% crit chance and have a trait for +10% crit value - you then have 22% crit chance overall (instead of a direct 20 + 10 = 30%).
  19. Glad you liked the post. Many thanks for the corrections and confirmations! Will be editing them in later today when I get the chance.
  20. A Partial Guide to ESO (as of late January 14): Crafting, Stat Mechanics, Gear, Ability Costs and more… Welcome to a, somewhat, complete guide to the mostly unknown aspects of ESO. There are still many topics that are not covered by this guide; most prominently there is no discussion of abilities in general, no talk of passives, etc because either this information is either freely available somewhere very easily accessible or it is still unknown at this point. What exists in this guide is an explanation of aspects of the game that will interest theory-crafters, actual crafters, and those curious about every bit of information they can get their hands on. This guide also assumes some basic knowledge of the simple mechanics of a traditional Elder scrolls game, like attribute points when levelling up, and does not take the time to explain the very well-known simple mechanics. Apologies in advance if you come across information that is not new for you. This guide will focus on up-to-date information on the following areas of the game: 1/ Crafting and Gear: blacksmithing, enchanting, clothing, alchemy, provisioning and woodworking. Including armour and weapon Traits. 2/ An updated description on Stat mechanics and Stat amounts at lvl 50. A. What happened to power B. The new percentages for Health/Magicka/Stamina regeneration rates C. Base amounts of H/M/S at lvl 50 3/ Ability Cost calculations – what will ability X cost at lvl X 4/ Armour ratings at lvl cap and spell resistance – though no mitigation percentages just yet *Please do not feel you need to read my personal disclaimer that follows below. It is there in case of potential possible NDA disputes.* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal Disclaimer: I also MUST state that the following information was garnered from other internet sources and is not information attained through my own direct personal involvement with ESO Beta testing. I do not in any way mean to imply or otherwise state that I have involvement with the ESO Beta and furthermore, if I have had involvement, I have not used that potential involvement to collate the information you are about to read but such information has been acquired, reworded and scavenged from numerous internet sources, none of which are directly affiliated with myself and to none of which I have personally contributed. No intention of breaking any possible NDA which I may or may not be under has been made in the making and posting of this material, furthermore, care has been taken to only provide information that is accessible on other external non-affiliated internet sources in the making and at the time of the making of the following informational post, and to not utilise any potential possible personal ESO Beta experiences in deriving said information. Care has been taken that any information that could only be provided through my own potential and possible personal experiences of any ESO beta test, and not capable of being found through another internet source at the time of this posts creation, has not been provided and purposely omitted or avoided in the following post’s content. Whenever and wherever I refer to my own personal knowledge, such as the phrase “not known to meâ€, the intended meaning is that such information is not known to me from my readings of other internet sources found at time of creation of this post, and not intending any personal experience in an ESO beta test and, furthermore, not intending or implying that I am providing information from personal experiences of ESO beta tests. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /1 Crafting, Gear, Enchants and More... (The crafting passive abilities should be updated by now in the datasheet – so I will not discuss those) Blacksmithing, woodworking and clothing all follow similar principles and can be discussed simultaneously as a result. In all three, there are 4 important panels: [*]Creation [*]Improvement [*]Extraction [*]Research Experience is derived from undertaking activities in the first three panels. To make this simple, I will attempt to describe the activities involved in each panel separately in the same order given above. The Creation panel is, of course, used for the crafting of new weapons or armour. There are 4 sliding bars which offer 4 options: [*]Type – this is the type of armour or weapon, for example; axe, gauntlets, helmet, staff, etc. It is important to note here that fire staff, ice staff, lightning staff, etc are all separate types and selecting one of these determines the type of damage your destruction staff uses, in case anyone was wondering how this was achieved. There is no difference in requirements and no need to “learn†these different types. This is the same for all weapons. All characters innately know of all weapon and armour types and it is simply a matter of selecting what you wish to make. [*]Material – so this is X number of Ingots of only one particular ingot type. I.e. 5 Iron ingots is the requirement for an Iron heavy armour chest piece. The material type determines the lvl output of the item. Iron is the lowest lvl output and therefore the least damage or armour. Voidstone ingots are the highest lvl output. Higher level items only require ingots of that level, so there is no need to keep iron ingots for use in the next tier of crafting for example unlike other mmos. [*]Style – Style option allows you to pick the cosmetic style of the item you craft. You can pick no style and have a generic output. Otherwise styles include all the racial styles, and other styles from previous elder scrolls games such as Imperial, Reach and Daedric. To select a style type, one must have the correct ingredient (for example, one piece of Manganese for Orc style) and have learnt the style. To learn a style involves the research panel I believe in the same way as traits are learnt (pls correct me in comments if not and I will edit) and this is discussed below. [*]Trait – Traits are perhaps the most crucial aspect that one will think about before hitting the create button. This determines your weapon or armour’s trait which all provide a certain benefit to your character. One-handers, two-handers and Armour all have slightly different traits that one can choose between. To pick and use a trait for your armour or weapon, you must have first learnt the trait through the research panel (discussed below) and have the appropriate item. For example, the Divines trait requires a Sapphire. You can, of course, also have no trait. Only one trait can exist one a single item. The following traits are available for selection: Armour Traits (including shields): i. Sturdy – X% to avoid decay when defeated (maximum 54%) (Yes, armour/weapons need repairing on defeats) ii. Impenetrable – Increase resistance to critical hits by X (maximum 210 I believe) iii. Reinforced - Increases total Armour and Spell resistance by X% (maximum 19%) iv. Well-fitted – Reduces the cost of Sprinting by X% (21% maximum) v. Training – Increases armour skill line experience with this armour type by X% (maximum 21%) vi. Infused – Increase armour enchantment effect by X% (maximum 21%) vii. Exploration – Increase exploration experience gained by X% (maximum 21%) viii. Divines – Increase Mundus stone effects by X% (maximum 38%) One-handed Weapon Traits: i. Powered – Reduces the cooldown of weapon enchantments by X% (maximum 74%) ii. Charged – Increases enchantment charges by X% (maximum 49%) iii. Precise – Increases weapon and spell critical values by X% (maximum 27%) iv. Infused – Increase weapon enchantment effect by X% (37% maximum) v. Defending – Increases total Armour and Spell resistance by X% (maximum 21%) vi. Training – Increases weapon skill line experience with this weapon type by X% (maximum 21%) vii. Sharpened – Increase Armour and Spell Penetration by X% (maximum 19%) viii. Weighted – Increase weapon attack speed by X% (maximum 27%) Two-handed weapons (includes staves and bows) i. Powered – Reduces the cooldown of weapon enchantments by X% (maximum 74%) ii. Charged – Increases enchantment charges by X% (maximum 49%) iii. Precise – Increases weapon and spell critical values by X% (maximum 27%) iv. Infused – Increase weapon enchantment effect by X% (37% maximum) v. Defending – Increases total Armour and Spell resistance by X% (maximum 21%) vi. Training – Increases weapon skill line experience with this weapon type by X% (maximum 43%) vii. Sharpened – Increase Armour and Spell Penetration by X% (maximum 19%) viii. Weighted – Increase weapon attack speed by X% (maximum 54%) (The only differences between two-handers and one-handers regarding traits is the maximum % increases in the Training and Weighted traits). Research – The research panel allows you to select a piece of armour or weapon that you have acquired on your travels and learn the trait on that piece. You must research every available trait to be able to use it in crafting. For example, I have a shield with a trait that has “Increase armour enchantment effect by 7%â€. I select it on the research panel and the trait “Infused†becomes available for research. I then hit the research button which, at base level, takes 6 hours to research. Once this time expires, I have learnt the Infused trait for all future crafting. The item is destroyed in the process, and each trait must be researched for each type of item for future crafting of the trait for that type or armour or weapon. Improvement – The improvement panel is similar to using a grinding stone in Skyrim in principle. That is, you use it to improve the base armour rating or weapon damage of your item. To refine an item requires a particular item that grants X% chance to refine something into another level of quality. There are 5 levels of quality: [*]Normal – all items you craft start this way [*]Fine – green colour text indicates this level [*]Superior – blue colour text indicates this level [*]Epic – purple colour text indicates this level [*]Legendary – gold/yellow colour text indicates this level I am not aware of whether or not improving an item’s quality also increases the strength of its trait or enchantment. My educated estimate at the moment would be that it does not. For every improvement item used you get +20% chance at improving the weapon or armour piece you have selected, up to 100% if 5 items are used. To demonstrate the process of improving, I will use the following example: Timmy wants to refine his Iron battle Axe. He goes to a blacksmithing station and selects the improvement panel. He then selects his Iron Battle Axe which is of normal quality. He seeks to Improve it to fine quality but to do so he needs to use at least one “Honing Stoneâ€. Fortunately, he has two in his bag. He uses both giving him a 40% chance to improve his axe to fine quality. He hits the improve button and is successful. Timmy’s Iron Battle Axe is now in green text and has more damage. However, this did not save him from being devoured by the Daedric Titan he encountered on his way home. Extraction – The extraction panel is used to deconstruct an item in order to gain experience for your blacksmithing, clothing or woodworking. Some items grant more experience than others depending on degree of quality, rarity, etc. Some even have a trait called “Intricate†which increases the inspiration (or experience since that is what inspiration equates to in game) that you receive from deconstructing said item. (I don’t think this trait is craftable). In addition to experience, you also gain materials with some small chance of recovering a style or trait crafting item from the deconstruction. Weapons that would be made from iron, of course, only have a chance at giving iron ingots. You get the point. And, obviously, the item is destroyed in the process. The construction of Jewelry items is not known to me. It also involves traits though. However, the jewellery traits are indeed quite different to those I have listed for armour and weapons. For example; Healthy – Increases maximum Health by X. Arcane – Increase maximum Magicka by X. Of particular note and interest is the fact that not all traits seem craftable. Well, not from what I know. I have already given “Intricate†as an example. Another is “Ornate†which states: Sells to merchants for X% more. This also leads on to the question – are all enchantments one finds on items picked up in the open world available for learning and using on future crafted items or are some never able to be crafted? Guess time will tell with that one. Now, on to the other three crafting types… And in less detail. Alchemy Alchemy is rather more simple in the manner it works or so it seems. You have one panel – the creation panel – in which you make all your potions. To make a potion, one does not need a recipe, but instead uses 1 “solvent†and 2 “reagents†to randomly create a potion. That is all I know of this process. No potion recipes seen as yet. Solvents and reagents are found in the open world or bought from vendors. Creation grants experience. You can find out the first effect of a plant by using it. An example of a potion: “Sip of Magicka†is a lvl 2 potion which does the following: Restore 24 Magicka immediately. Restore an additional 20 Magicka over 10 seconds. (30 second cooldown). Provisioning There are two panels involved – Brewing and Cooking. Under both panels are the recipes you have learnt and each require a minimum of two ingredients either found in the open world or through vendors. Crafting a food item or a drink grants experience. Provisioning is rather simple in the way it works though not complaining. Food seems to give decent buffs for the lvl it is for. As an example, look at the following recipe found at lvl 3: “Capon Tinish Recipeâ€: Increase Max health by 42 for 35 minutes (5 second cooldown). That is a buff of at least 25% to total health – not bad. Not sure how recipes at lvl 50 end of business scale though. I believe you can have both one drink and one food item consumed and active in effect at the same time, but this is not confirmed. Enchanting There are two panels involved – Creation and Extraction. Creation requires 3 different types of ingredients. These are 1 “Potency†type runestone, 1 “Essence†type runestone and 1 “Aspect†type runestone. Without 1 of each, you cannot craft a Glyph. Glyphs are items that can be applied to weapons, armour and jewelry in order to grant the item an enchantment. Each item may be able to have more than one enchantment applied from use of more than one Glyph. At the moment, examples have been done where two glyphs have been used to give two different +X damage enchantments on the same weapon (i.e. + X fire damage and + X poison on the same bow). Higher level Glyphs may yield more than one effect but that remains to be seen. An example of a Glyph is “Trifling Glyph of Reduce Spell Cost†which does the following: Reduce magicka cost of spells by 3. Extraction panel allows you to select a glyph you have made or found and extract either a aspect, potency or essence runestone from it. It also grants experience in the process and, of course, destroys the glyph. Glyphs have a type indicated in the top left corner of their description: “jewelryâ€, “armour†or “weaponâ€. Obviously, these can only be applied to their specific item type. Glyph effects include the following examples: Deal X Frost damage (weapon), Deal X fire damage (weapon), Deal X shock damage (weapon), Deal X irresistable damage (weapon), Add X max magicka (armour), Add X max health (armour), Add X max stamina (armour), Reduce stamina cost of abilities by X (Jewelry). Reduce magicka cost of spells by X (Jewelry), Add X magicka regeneration (Jewelry). Some examples of found enchantments on randomly picked up gear: Reduce cost of Dodge Roll by X% (Armour), Grant a X point damage Shield for X seconds (weapon) and Deal X magic damage and recover X health (weapon). Some Enchantments have an unknown cooldown – the X point damage shield example being an obvious one. They literally trigger every X seconds while in combat. This is affected by the weapon trait “Powered†that reduces such cooldowns. Others such as “Adds X max health†are always active so long as the item is equipped and its charge has not been depleted. Every enchanted item loses charge with time in combat and requires recharging using a filled soul gem. This is very similar to the concept in previous elder scrolls games. A depleted enchantment charge bar indicates the enchantment is no longer functioning. Whether a glyph can grant more than one effect as a single enchantment at higher lvls is not known to me. /2 Stat Mechanics Stat Mechanics: The following are the stats listed on the character panel so far: Max Magicka; Max Health; Max Stamina; Spell Damage; Spell Critical; Spell Resistance; Magicka Recovery; Health Recovery; Stamina Recovery; Weapon Damage; Weapon Critical; Armour. The important things to note is that there is no “Power†stat. Instead the “power†stat which originally determined weapon damage, spell damage and outgoing healing has now been split and included in the functions of Max Stamina and Max Magicka. Some abilities and descriptions will still refer to “powerâ€, however, but will clearly imply whether the “power†increase is an increase to spell damage, outgoing healing or weapon damage. Max magicka now reads as: “Determines how many spells you can cast and how effective those spells are. Magicka regenerates slowly over time and can be restored in combat by using a potionâ€. Max Stamina now reads as: “Determines weapon damage and weapon ability damage. Sprint, bash and sneak all consume stamina. Stamina regenerates slowly over time and can be restored in combat using a potionâ€. Max Health now reads as: “The amount of damage you can take in combat. Health regenerates slowly over time and can be restored in combat by healing or using a potionâ€. The next point is quite interesting and is a deviation of the original information first released on the web about how regeneration works. Originally it was assumed or told that the values for regeneration meant how much per second was regen’d. However, the descriptions of Magicka/Stamina/Health Recovery all read as: “When in combat, you regenerate X Magicka/Stamina/Health every two secondsâ€. Yeah, every TWO seconds! Not per second as once thought. In addition, the values for regeneration rates were once told to be that every character regenerated 3% of max magicka/health/stamina per second while in combat. Number extrapolations now put regeneration as: In combat regeneration of stamina = 5.5% max stamina every TWO seconds. In combat regeneration of Health = 2.4% max health every TWO seconds. In combat regeneration of magicka = between 4 to 5% max magicka every TWO seconds.* * now magicka numbers seem a bit strange at the moment so the estimate lies safely between 4-5% and that is very certain to be the case but not the exact digits yet like the other two. This new information on regeneration rates makes theory-crafting quite a bit different now… And yes, health regen is quite a bit lower than the other two and all stats are per every 2 seconds – an important thing not to forget when doing build calculations! Base amounts of the 3 main stats are as follows at lvl 1: Magicka: 100 Health: 150 Stamina: 100 And at lvl 50 they are: Magicka: 1080 Health: 1130 Stamina: 1080 And, yes, each stat seems to increase by 20 points per level (not including the points you place into each using the attribute point you get per level of which there are 49) Attribute points into one stat I believe are still capped at no more than 30 into one stat. For every attribute point placed into both Magicka and Stamina, you receive +10 to either your total magicka or stamina. However, for every attribute point placed into Health, you receive +20 to your total health. /3 Ability Costs Ability Costs: There seems to be an accurate formula for solving how much any given ability will cost (either cost in stamina or magicka) at any level so long as you know what the ability costs at level 1. The equation is: The ability cost at lvl ( X ) = The cost of the ability at lvl 1 + (The cost of the ability at lvl 1) x ( X - 1 ) 7 Hence at lvl 50, an ability costs = The cost of the ability at lvl 1 x 8. At other levels, round the number you get down to the lowest whole number to get the true cost since ESO does not use any fractions or non-whole numbers. (Which is nice and simple) As an example, at lvl 50: Immovable costs = 448 stamina (It also provides +850 armour and spell resistance at that lvl) /4 Armour and Spell Resistance Info Armour Ratings and Spell Resistance: At lvl 50 each armour type gives the following armour rating for wearing a full set of each (all 7 pieces): Light armour = 785 Medium Armour = 1180 Heavy Armour = 1461 You must note that this is the total of gear that is crafted lvl 50 rank 10 elite AND of normal quality (so not improved by crafting). No idea on percentage mitigations yet. Base Spell resistance for every character at lvl 50 is NOT determined by armour amount and is NOT determined by any stat so far. It is rather surprising, but your base Spell Resistance is determined purely by what level your character is. And then modified by passives, gear that adds X spell resist, armour traits, etc. So the base spell resistance of every character at lvl 50 = 1100 (It starts at 120 at lvl 1 and increases by 20 per level gained) -------------------------------------------- And that is the end of my guide to ESO so far. Hope it helped. Will add to it either here or in a new post if more information becomes available to me. Post corrections in the comments if you know of any. Thanks Guys. *Special thanks to Ghost5689 for making certain things possible. He knows what I mean. **Extra thanks also should go to Musclemagic and Irons, though they may not have had direct contribution or involvement in the making of this post, their discussions and assistance in past moments aided indirectly. ***Note: None of the aforementioned people who I thanked broke any possible NDAs they may or may not be under to help in the making of this post. **** Thanks to Hans for corrections that have now gone into this edited second release of the post. Cheers, Thal. ------------------------------------------------
  21. It depends really. Don't forget that to break out of stun comes with the hidden cost of time. There are the fractions of a second that are required for one to realise that one is stunned, to press the stun release, then the animation time of the character recovering from stun before returning to being able to use skills normally. Such an interrupt to normal play and time loss can prove to be crucial when trying to close the distance between an opponent, when needing to cast that all important heal to save yourself or a comrade or even when kiting and therfore losing a little distance between you and the oncoming opponent.However, you're right, it depends on your build. The price of 1/5 of your ability bar is high. And there are at least a couple obvious builds which don't quite need Immovable, e.g:1. Classic Mage - stays away, plays as support dps and aoe cc for his group and therefore largely does not use his stamina pool so can easily rely on natural stun break. 2. Classic light armour Templar healer - won't be using stamina for hardly anything so who cares about using it up for stun breaks and the more magic skills they can slot - the better.But it also depends on the way you intend to PvP. If you play in a group where everyone has their own role and you like it to be so - your build may not require it and not suffer for lacking Immovable. But if you like going solo or in really small groups of 2 or 3 and intend to try to take on larger groups - you'll need it because there will be a lot of incoming damage and incoming cc moves and you're likely going to either need to be self-sufficient and never afford to be stunned at crucial moments where every fraction of a second counts.Heavy armour characters that are tanky may benefit - but then again they already have high mitigations and they rely on stamina pool more than traditional casters. Obviously because they need to sprint, block, etc more often and probably will be slotting at least one or two weapon skills. So even they may hesitate to slot Immovable and instead rely on the heals of their friendly players and their mitigation and high block mitigation to shrug off moments of CC choosing to only use the natural stun break at crucial moments.In the end, there are pros and cons, and you were right in saying that at initial glance it seems foolish to not use it but when you really think about it - class, build, your role, your group composition and your own style will determine whether you need it to be successful. But for some, it will indeed be a must.Still though, we are plagued by the question: do you need at least one piece of heavy armour equipped to slot the skill? That makes a difference to whether it is worth it for any given build too...
  22. Don't worry - will make a post about captured footage so everyone knows (though oviously I won't specifically refer to what game I, cough, captured, cough, legally of course... >.> )Then I'll just PM stuff to everyone who replies to the post. The 30s thing is annoying on fraps free version but I'll either find time to merge bits of footage or just send small interesting segments out in bunches I guess.
  23. Yeah I was going to use this, but my Alienware is unfortunately a laptop and they don't support notebooks on Shadowplay just yet...
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