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Everything posted by Thal

  1. I'm glad this post was of such help to you. Some of the information in-game has changed, however, and this mostly concerns the strength of some armour and weapon traits. E.g. The Crit and weapon speed traits are much lower now. Also you know need to know that at Veteran Rank 10 you will have base stats of 1170 Magicka, 1220 Health and 1170 Stamina. To answer your questions: 1. Yes, your health (if you leave it at base amount of 1130 and do not add any health from gear or other sources) will regen at 27.12 health every 2 seconds. 2. If you apply the Nord bonus to the base amount of health at lvl 50 then it is indeed only an increase of regen to 2.76% every 2 seconds (and NOT 17.4%). So unfortunately the racial is not that awesome. 3. Yes, if you had base amount of health at lvl 50 of 1130, and you play Imperial this would certainly increase to 1298. If you play Imperial and increased your health to 2000 then you would then get 12% on top of this and have 2240 as well for example. Also, keep in mind these numbers are only your base amount or mimimum amount for each stat at lvl 50 (also known as veteran rank 1). So these can be increased up until the hard caps. Soft cap (or the point that you receive diminishing returns on stats) are at roughly between 1900 - 2000 for both Magicka and Stamina and soft cap for Health is at 2500. Hope this helps!
  2. I am agreeing with DanGer here. For example, Defensive Posture is not going to make block cost and mitigation cheaper for you because you happen to slot it on your secondary bar but are using your primary bar which has a staff equipped for example. If this is occurring then it is a bug and will be fixed. But I have not seen proof this is the case either. Your quote seems a little sketchy and it would have just been a customer service agent who answered your question and not necessarily someone well-versed in gameplay design. After all, why would it take a "long" chat to answer such a straight forward question? I'm sorry if I seem to be a little distrustful or aggressive about the topic, I just find this a little too hard to believe and, to me at least, makes no sense if true.
  3. No, it does not. Passives from ultimates and abilities are only active when the bar they are slotted on is currently equipped. Having Flawless Dawnbreaker will only give the weapon damage bonus if it is slotted on your active bar and if you switch to a skill bar that does not have it, then you will lose the bonus while using that bar.
  4. The base damage for Criticals is +50%.
  5. Hi all, If you’re reading this I am assuming you are an Australian seeking an active, professional, and mature guild come ESO launch. The Ninth Legion is recruiting with a special interest in Australian players. We are based on the EU server and are a mix of european and Aussie players. We will be representing the Daggerfall Covenant. We are an organised guild with players who have years of experience in previous MMOs. We are also an amicable and easy going group to get along with but still take appropriate gaming moments seriously. We are dedicated to both PvE and PvP and are keen to recruit any class at the moment. People interested in purely crafting are also welcome. The Ninth has many members who have actively participated in ESO Beta, have theorycrafted about builds for almost a year now and pride themselves on up-to-date information and making the most of their builds. We love helping people to decide how to make the most of their characters and are forever keen to aid avid players who show potential. We have a Raidcall server and Voice chat is a must. If you have any questions or any interest in joining, please feel free to message me either here on Eldersouls or by applying through our Guild website which you can find below: http://9th-legion.shivtr.com/ Thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from some Aussies keen for a great guild and great ESO experience.
  6. I am stating what was true on the public beta. If what you have been told is from people in PTS who have played very recently, then I'd trust them. But from last beta, what you are stating to be true was not the case from my own personal testing. Take that as you will as I am not PTS player but to me that would seem like a big gameplay mechanic difference for no one to notice between PTS and public beta as this is the first I am hearing about it.
  7. You don't get bonus sneak damage from Staves. Just as you do not get bonus sneak damage for ability attacks that are cast from stealth either. Regeneration does not stack. The effect of another regen being cast replaces any regen that is already cast on you.
  8. light and heavy attacks of staffs DO scale with magicka But their ability damage does scale with weapon damage.
  9. Hi there Esonightblade, I have read your post and read the article you have linked. Since you seem to be asking for comments and suggestions, I will do what I can to assist you with your PvE build. Firstly I just wanted to clarify a few things from your post here: I am not sure what you mean however by the statement "As we all know, Nightblade is a weak class". I'm not sure why you think this but that is not true. Anyway, I am also assuming the part where you discuss fighting a 1 v 4 is in pve against npcs. In which case, I assume you are "worry about nothing" because you have a healer behind you? Most mobs at lvl cap stage in instanced dungeons aren't pushovers after all. I read your article for your complete story so I will now refer more directly to your build. I have assumed you intend to use full medium armour due to the picture of your character you posted. You use magicka based skills for 4 out of 5 of your skill bar. As such I would normally say this is not feasible if you wish to be spamming some of these skills while in medium armour and given you write about using the combination of Cloak and Surprise Attack regularly when engaging large groups of npcs - I would definitely say that its going to be too much of a strain on your resources. If you wish to trial this type of fighting, I would recommend using full light armour and perhaps even considering spell cost reduction enchantments on your jewelry so that using so many magicka-based skills so often becomes more feasible. You seem to spread your attributes evenly between all 3 stats but I would recommend placing your attributes only in stamina and/or health. You are going DW and relying on reducing enemy armour with weapon damage as your dps as well, so stacking into stamina will help your main dps move which seems to be Flurry and health is always important to not have at a minimum. Honestly, your strategy seems based on using lots of single-target CC which is useful in a pve fight but if that is your main idea plus physical damage dps then perhaps instead of using Ambush you might want to consider a longer CC like one of Agony's morph options rather than having the minimal stun from Ambush. Agony can alleviate incoming damage on you and your team by keeping one or two npcs out of the fight until you are ready to deal with them due to its lengthy stun time(12s) and is not really more of a strain on your magicka pool either. Taking Agony will allow you to benefit from the Magicka Flood passive that increases your magicka pool by 8% which will also aid with your resource issues. Having cloak with surprise strike seems to make ambush feel particularly redundant to me for pve and npcs won't exactly be running away either. I agree with your decision for your build to use Flurry over Twin Slashes and to not use Strife. My other comment would be based around your issue of mitigation. If you take light armour to support your build (or even medium) you will be a character that gives your team's healer a potential nightmare to heal. You have left all your stamina for Flurry so perhaps you were intending on blocking or dodge rolling often which would be recommended since you have no skills that boost your defences. If you intend to use Cloak, as you've stated, as a way to drop the aggro of mobs and to avoid damage at times, then you really will need to be using it often and since it is not cheap if you do choose medium armour instead of light then I do not see this build working. You have not proposed a second skill bar nor have you offered your considerations on gear/enchants/mundus stone/weapon or armour traits. So from here, without this information, it is difficult to advise any further changes. Hope that helps and give us more information if you want further comments.
  10. In my experience this was not true. My soul gems would res people who's true level was within the level range of the soul gems I had whilst in Cyrodiil. So unless they have changed this in the last patch - I would say stack up those lvl 20 soul gems and you'll be sweet.
  11. Yes!!!! That means finally having access to respec shrines! Better than nothing.
  12. I've got an unused key for David if he needs one. Also, I haven't got the usual email (being an Austrlaian who uses Gmail) just yet - does it say only up to lvl 17 content as always or can we go further this time?
  13. Nice, thanks for the update Francis! Hope we either get a go at more content or we can just make some lvl 50s lol
  14. You would not happen to know what the percentage increases are for all the Mundus stones? Like what damage increase warrior stone gives or how much magicka Mage stone gives? If you do, you should post a list of it up because I don't think that is widely known and I have not seen it anywhere on this site, thanks man.
  15. So you think it actually is a set amount of regen and not your total? Oh well, guess I was hoping for too much then
  16. Hey, just wanted to point out a couple things: 1. The vampire skill cost reduction applies only to vampire skills and not to other magicka abilities so it won't reduce the cost of your sun shield, bone shield or focus charge 2. Bone shield does not last 20 seconds and does not give 20% more mitigation. It provides a high armour bonus for 5 seconds now. Hope that helps you to refine your build
  17. I would try to answer to help you out but I cannot make any real suggestions because I don't know what skills you will be relying on. It depends whether you want your damage to come from light/heavy weapon attacks primarily and stamina skills, and depends on what type of class skills you will be picking and whether you are picking them for utility, heals or damage.So in summary, without actually listing or proposing what 5 skills and ultimate you are intending on using - it is too hard for me to comment.(P.s. I don't know what you mean by "aedric spear, dawn's wrath..." because they are the titles of those skill lines not skills in themselves)
  18. Thanks man. It does mean some NB with 2000 stamina would be recovering 100 stamina extra per second when they have Focused Attacks active which is huge imo. Makes for some interesting build possibilities...
  19. I roughly knew the soft cap but wasn't aware of what the value for hard was, so thanks for this info!!
  20. Hey guys, Whilst going through more build-making theorising, as always, I realised that both these moves come with the description "recovers a total of magicka" or "recovers a total of stamina".Now because both are lvl 42 skills in their respective skill trees, I have not been able to actually test this.So does anyone know if this tooltip description actually means that your character recovers an amount equal to their total magicka or stamina over the duration of these abilities? For example, a NB with 1700 total stamina who casts Focused Attacks will then recover a total of 1700 stamina over the next 20 seconds (which is the skill's duration).Thanks guys.
  21. What is the actual armour value roughly to achieve that hard cap?
  22. I remember when this info came out about 1 year ago.This has been completely and utterly outdated. Please ignore this junk that has been left up by poor housekeeping on that website.Attributes do NOT have skills associated with them. It was only an idea zenimax trialed long long ago in a galaxy far far away and will never be a part of the ESO we know.
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